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Organic Farming Mcq with Answers, Quiz, and Exam

Organic Farming Mcq with Answers

Introduction to Organic Farming Mcq with Answers, Organic Farming Quiz: Hello friends, would you like to check your skills in organic farming? Well, here we have provided questions and along with multiple choices. Write down the right answer for each question and check at the end of the quiz. We have provided the right answers at the end.

Organic Tomato Farming
Organic Tomatoes (Image source: pixabay)

Organic Farming Mcq with Answers, Quiz, Exam, Test, and Questions

1. How Organic Farmers enrich the soil?

a) Fertilizers b) Pesticides
c) Manures/Compostd) Antibiotics

2. How weeds are controlled in organic farming/cultivation?

a) Wood chips Mulch  b) Pesticides
c) Herbicides d) All the above

3. How many years the land/soil must be treated as organic without using any prohibited chemicals and other substances to qualify for organic certification?

a) 1-yearb) 2 years
c) 3 years  d) 4 years

4. In which year an organic farming movement started?

a) 2000  b) 1980
c) 1960    d) 1930

5. What is the Importance and Benefits of Organic Farming

a) No chemicals used      b) Environment friendly
c) Increases the soil health d) All the above

6. Which country has more organic farming practices

a) Australia  b) India
c) The United States  d) The UK

7. The best practice to maintain soil health in organic farming is

a) Crop rotation   b) Synthetic fertilizers
c) Using black soil  d) Monoculture

8. Which of these is NOT allowed in organic cultivation

a) Sewage sludge b) Crop rotation
c) Cover crops  d) Buffer zones

9. Which is the main source of water for organic cultivation in India

a) Rivers    b) Oceans
c) Tanks   d) Wells/Borewells

10. Vermicomposting is prepared by

a) Animals   b) Worms
c) Bacteria   d) Fungus

11. Crop Yield in organic Farming When Compared to Conventional Farming is

a) Less than conventional farmingb) More than conventional farming
c) Both are equal    d) None of the Above

12. Azolla Biofertilizer is mainly used in this crop

a) Jowar b) Rice/Paddy
c) Maize  d) Millets

13. Which of the Following is Nitrification Inhibitor

a) Neem cake  b) Cottonseed cake 
c) Groundnut caked) Mustard cake

14. National Center of Organic Farming in India is located in

a) Ghaziabad    b) Hyderabad
c) Kochi     d) Pune

15. The soil pH can be increased by adding

a) Lime   b) Nitrogen
c) Sand    d) Potash

16. Which country represents the lowest percentage of area under organic farming out of the cultivated area

a) India   b) Australia
c) China  d) the USA

17. What is a major component of the organic farming/cultivation system

a)  Pesticides    b) Synthetic fertilizers
c) Chemical fertilizers  d) BioFertilzers

18. Growing green manure crops in the field and incorporating in its green stage in the same field is known as

a) Ex situ green manuring b) In situ green manuring
c) Green leaf manuring d) None of the above

19. The breeding and rearing of earthworms in a controlled environment is called

a) Vermiwash  b) Vermiculture
c) Vermicomposting d) Vermicasting

20. The main organic product export market for India is

a) China     b) the USA
c) Canadad) Europe

21. The main concept of organic farming practices is

a) Give back to the countryb) Give back to nature
d) Give back to the soilc) None of the above

22. The key principles of organic farming are

a) Mixed farming  b) Crop rotation
c) Organic cycle    d) All the above

23. The best way to identify the difference between organic and non-organic foods?

a) Look for the organic label b) By squeeze test
c) By Priced) None of the above

24. What is the first state of India that adopted organic farming very well

a) Gujarat     b) Sikkim
c) Uttarakhandd) Kerala

25. Which one is the green manure biofertilizer

a) Maize   b) Paddy
c) Sesbania d) None of the above

26. Usually, green manuring increases the crop yield

a) 10 to 15%    b) 20 to 25%
c) 30 to 50%  d) 70 to 80%

27. Azolla as a biofertilizer, increases the crop yield

a) 70%  b) 60%
c) 50%   d) 40%

28. Which one of the farming practices is eco-friendly?

a) Hydroponics b) Conventional farming
c) Organic farmingd) None of the above

29. The cultivation cost of organic food is

a) More than conventional farmingb) Less than  conventional
c) Equal     d) None of the above

30. The soil fertility is reduced due to

a) Poor drainageb) Imbalanced use of fertilizers
c) Overwateringd) None of the above
Organic Lettuce Farming
Organic Lettuce (pic credit: pixabay)

Answer key for the above organic farming multiple-choice questions

1) c 2) a 3) c 4) d 5) d 6) a 7) a 8) a 9) d 10) b 11) a 12) b 13) a 14) a 15) a 16) a 17) d 18) b 19) b 20) d 21) b 22) d 23) a 24) b 25) c 26) c 27) c 28) c 29) a 30) b

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Organic Basil Farming
Organic Basil (pic source: pixabay)