Introduction to Jersey Cow Farming: Jersey is a small dairy cattle breed that is mainly raised for milk production and it is the second-largest breed of dairy cattle in the world. It is well-known for its high milk production as well as the high butterfat content of its milk. The jersey breed is the 2nd largest breed of dairy cattle in the world. Jersey cows are highly productive cows can give over 10 times their weight in milk per lactation.
What is a Jersey Cow?: The jersey cow is also known as a breed of dairy cow, and it is originated in Jersey Island. It is mainly considered as one of the most essential assets of the dairy business in the United States. Jersey cows can have a chance to get more fresh milk and have a valuable breed. Jersey cow yields about 20 to 25% more cheese, 10% more non-fat dry milk, and 30% more butter. This is the main reason why jersey cow is proven a profitable product. Because of this reason, more and more people are planning to have this jersey cow.
Jersey Cow has light to dark brown and is well-known for its high milk yielding ability. Comparatively, they are a small breed of dairy cattle that are widely used for the production of milk. The cows are well-known for the high butterfat of their milk and these have a very friendly nature that makes it very easier to milk them. To ensure good milk quality, they are taken on health checkups at required time intervals. The Jersey Cows of different types are available with us such as black and white in addition to few others. Jersey cows are given healthy food and cleaned properly. Also, their dung can be used for generating biogas, as a fertilizer, and for many other activities.
Jersey Cow Farming, Breed Facts, Feed Chart, Milk Yield, And Feed Cost Per Day

Jersey Breed Facts: Generally, Jersey cattle were exported globally and adapting to varying climate conditions. It adapts well to various climate conditions and environmental conditions, these cows can tolerate heat very well. It has been exported to many countries of the world; and in some of them, including Denmark, France, New Zealand, and the United States; it has developed into an independent breed.
It is adaptable to a wide range of conditions, and its distribution is worldwide. Its milk is rich in butterfat percentage. It is known for high-quality milk that has higher levels of protein, calcium, and butterfat than milk from other cows. The Jersey cows have efficient feed conversion to milk make it a desirable choice for homesteaders. Compared to other breeds the Jersey cattle are less susceptible to disease. The Jersey cow farming demand is high because of its profitability business. This is proven lucrative as compared to other types of businesses.
Jersey breed thrives mainly in confinement barns and dry lot operations, in large herds and small ones. These are adapting to different feeding systems, from complete feed to management-intensive grazing. There are no climatic barriers for the Jersey breed. Jersey cows are well-known for high butterfat in the milk. Though, worthy of their milk-yielding capabilities and high productiveness, these cows that we deliver are in huge market demand. Jersey cows have better health when compared to other cow breeds. Therefore, they have a low maintenance cost and are very popular among dairy farmers.
Jerseys mature more quickly and dairy heifer matures earlier. These are quicker to generate income for a dairy producer. Jersey cows produce milk fat with a higher color and cows are fed a diet of hay. Most people desire to earn a huge amount of money and some of them don’t know how to achieve it. If you are one of them, this is a chance to embrace a new business opportunity. It would be easy for you to get more money for engaging in jersey cow farming. For their size, jerseys are deep in the body and full and deep in the barrel. Jersey cows have a weight range of between 800 and 1200 pounds.
Modern Jerseys can be available in a wide range of colors. Most people prefer the dark tongue and switch, but this is more a matter of an identification point than a point of discrimination. These cattle colors could change from a light gray color to a very dark fawn or an almost black shade.
Jersey Origin: The Jersey breed was generally developed from the island of jersey. The Jersey name comes for its place of origin, Britain’s Isle of Jersey in the English Channel. On a large scale, Jerseys were imported to England by the end of the 18th century.
Jersey Breed Appearance and Distribution
Most Jerseys are brown with a lighter abdomen. Also, they can come in different shades of red, dark brown, gray, or spotted, all with the lighter underside. Whatever the color, their muzzles are dark, as are the tails and flanks.
Jersey can now be found across the world with some of the largest populations in countries like Australia, Canada, Denmark, New Zealand, South Africa, the USA, and Zimbabwe, and the UK.
Information about Jersey Breed
In case if you miss this: Poultry Farming In Australia.

- Jersey breed has little or no calving problems, a shorter calving interval, and earlier maturity.
- Jerseys stay in the herd longer compared to any other dairy breed.
- Generally, Jersey milk has greater nutritional value.
- Jersey breed milk commands a premium price in many markets compared to other breeds.
- Under different types of systems Jersey breed perform well and are well-known for their high feed conversion efficiency.
- These are less susceptible to lameness because of their black hoof color and that makes their hooves hard. Jerseys are a lighter breed this could give them fewer problems with lameness.
- Good temperament is important in a Jersey cow.
Characteristics of Jersey Breed
- Jersey males weigh between 540 to 820 kg or 1,200 to 1,800 lb and females weigh between 400 to 500 kg or 900 to 1,100 lb
- Age at first calving – 26 to 30 months
- Intercalving – 13 to 14 months
- Jersey breed has acclimatized well in the hot and humid areas in India
- Relatively, Jersey is diminutive in size averaging about 900 lbs in weight.
- Growers do not discriminate between the solid and broken colors, while there seems to be a slight preference for the solid colored ones.
- The Jersey cow ranges from 400 to 500 kilograms or 880 to 1,100 lb.
Some factors contributing to the popularity of the breed have been their greater economy of production, due to;
- Due to lower body weight, the ability requires lower maintenance requirements and superior grazing ability.
- Due to lower body weight and lower maintenance requirements, the ability to transport a greater number of successful milking jersey cows per unit area is possible, as is superior grazing ability.
- Calving ease and a low rate of dystocia have made them famous for crossbreeding with other dairy animals and beef breeds to minimize calving-related injuries.
- Jersey cows have high levels of butterfat about 4.84% and protein about 3.95% to survive on locally sourced feed.
- Jersey cattle are a smaller dairy cattle breed compared to other dairy cattle breeds. Their bodies are slightly reddish, dark brown, or mixed in color. They have a large head and generally do not have a hunchback.
- Jersey has a black tail and a large udder, which is typical of a dairy breed. Usually, horns are used on both bulls and cows. The horns of jersey animals are small and curved.
- Jersey occurs in all shades of brown color, from light tan to almost black color. They are frequently fawning in color. Purebred Jerseys have a lighter band around their muzzles, and black color hooves. The cows are calm and docile; bulls can be unpredictable or aggressive.
Proper Housing Plan for Jersey Cow Farming
Proper housing for animals is important for good health, comfort, and protection from inclement weather conditions. Though, the selected place will be higher than other places surrounding the house, so that remove rainwater. The soil of the selected place will be fertile and enriched with sand and should have to be dry always. Ensure the light inside the house and entrance of sufficient air helps to dry the house.
The selection of a site is important for the construction of farm buildings. Before selecting a site the below points are to be considered.
Drainage system – Proper drainage must be provided to keep a healthy environment and to protect the building from dampness.
Water availability – Plenty of water is required for proper housing plans for different farm operations like fodder cultivation, washing, and drinking. Therefore a water source that provides water constantly is essential.
Electricity – It must be available at the site. It is required for operating several machines used in the farm and is the light source for the cattle.
Protection from wind and solar radiation – If the farm building is in an open or exposed area, the windbreaks in the farm of tall quick-growing trees must be grown near the building. Then, this will reduce the wind velocity and solar radiation.
Market availability – Remember that the farm should be constructed away from the city but it should be nearer to the city thereby the products produced from the farm can be marketed easily.
Transport facility – The farm must be constructed with a good road and also have the accessibility to reach the market. This will reduce the transport cost and also avoid spoilage of products.
Factors to be Consider in Jersey Cow Farming
If you desire to deal with jersey cow farming, the best thing you can do is to consider the space of your farm. Depending on the number of cows, the selected space should always be adequate for their feeding and other activities. Also, you need to prepare the different materials needed to manage your cows. As a farmer, you have to know the distinct foods that suit their cow breed and age. It is also best to know some tips on how to make your cow even more active and also healthier. For doing this, conducting accurate research about this cow is a must.
Know you’re Capital before Starting Up this Farming – Depending on the option; you can buy or rent a farm. If you are planning to buy a farm, and make sure that it has the needed buildings, equipment, and machinery. Also, you need to check if it has the best sterile facilities for pasturing and storing. Like other farmers, you can buy used equipment to save more money and it doesn’t mean that you need to sacrifice its quality.
Factors Affecting Life Span – Mainly, life span depends on the several conditions under which a Jersey cow is kept. Homestead cattle fed on pasture will live longer and healthier lives than grain-fed cows. Jersey’s generally eating grain and fodder does not live as long as those raised on homesteads, and most find their way to slaughterhouses by 7 years of age.
Adaptability – One reason Jersey mainly thrives around the world is its adaptability to various climates, especially hot ones. And, it might be crossed with native cattle to improve milk production.
Feeding Management of Jersey Cows
Jerseys mature earlier than other types of breeds. Because jerseys can be bred at a younger age and enter the milking herd sooner that means you need less feed to get them to first calving than larger breeds.
Newborns that are first 3 days – About 2 to 3L of colostrum must be fed for the calf to get all of the antibodies will need to fight off disease during this time. Colostrum is continued for the first 3 days. Of the utmost importance is to get colostrum into the calf as soon as possible after birth and the use of a calf blanket could be helpful in cold weather.
0-3 Months of Age – Whole milk is fed to the calf for this period at a rate of 3 liters twice a day. A third feeding can be included on days that are -25 degrees or colder if the calves are raised in hutches. The use of calf blankets can negate the need for extra milk on these cold days. Calves should be taken off whole milk as soon as they are eating about 1 to 1.5 kg of calf starter per day. Also, it is important to have high-quality hay available at this age, preferably fine second or third cut hay.
4-9 Months of Age – At this age, grass hay is beginning to be fed and calf starter is increased to about 2 kgs per day. Though, the large amount of hay being fed ensures that the rumen is working well and that the heifers have a deep rib. The grain provides the energy required to keep them growing.
10-16 Months of Age – At this time, the heifers must be switched to a heifer ratio. They must be fed about 2 kgs of the ration along with grassy hay-free choice. During this period, you can find some of the heifers starting to get too heavy. If, either reduce the amount of grain they are receiving or put them with an older group. If you don’t, the fat heifers will not grow to their potential height and then begin to make fat deposits in their udder; therefore reducing future milk production and udder texture.
17-24 Months of Age – Maintenance is the key during this period. Hence a diet consisting of frees choice hay or pasture along with enough energy to keep reasonable body condition.
Dry Cows – A dry cow feeding regimen is important with Jerseys than with other breeds to minimize risk. A dry cow ration heavy in grass hay is mostly preferred. No grain is fed to the dry cows until about 2 weeks before calving. The milking ratio can be gradually introduced 2 weeks before calving. Make sure to maintain access to dry-cow-oriented minerals and supplements.
Jersey Cow Feeding Cost per Day
Generally, a Jersey cow will eat approximately 2 to 2.5 pounds of hay per day. The usual is 16% dairy ratio if you feed grain, which will balance well with most pasture or hay.
Milk and Milk Production of Jersey
Jersey’s milk boasts the richest content compared to other major dairy breeds. The Jersey milk is high in butterfat, which provides a better-tasting product. Also, it is used for making cheese and butter. Jersey contains 15 to 20% more protein, 15 to 18% more calcium, and 10 to 12% more phosphorus, along with high amounts of vitamin B12 to the average glass of milk. Jersey milk is unique in several ways. Jersey cow milk has nutritional value compared to many other dairy breeds.
Milk Production – Compared to other breeds Jersey cows are outstanding milk producers. It producing more milk per pound of body weight and the record for milk production by 1 cow is held by a Jersey.
Jersey Cow Milk per Day and Milk yield
- Jersey cow milk per day 30 to 35 liter/day.
- Milk yield – About 5000-8000 kg/per year approximately.
Cost of Jersey Cow in India
You may get Jersey Cow at the price of INR 40,000 k to INR 75,000.
Jersey Cow Health Management
Jerseys are less susceptible to mastitis. Some of the clinical signs for Jersey cattle include lethargy, jaundice, anorexia, conjunctivitis, and photosensitive dermatitis.
Frequently Asked Questions about Jersey
You may also check this: Sheep Farming In South Africa.

What amount of milk does a Jersey cow produce daily in India?
Usually, dairy milk yield is found to be 30 to 35 liters. In India, this breed has acclimatized well mainly in the hot and humid areas.
How long do Jersey cows live?
Usually, most cattle breeds live between 18 to 22 years; and it’s not unusual for Jerseys to live 25 years or more. These cows reach productive age earlier than other dairy breeds.
Is Jersey cow milk better?
Jersey milk is better compared to other breeds because it contains more protein, calcium, and butterfat.
What does Jersey cow milk taste like?
Jersey cow milk is packed with several nutrients and vitamins, minerals, proteins, and it has a creamy texture that’s naturally sweet.
How Do You Identify a Jersey Cow?
Jersey cow can be identified by some elements;
A light grey or tan to a very dark fawn or a very dark, almost black hue is all possibilities. Jersey cows come in a different variety of sizes, weighing anywhere from 800 to 1,200 pounds.
What is special about Jersey Cows?
When compared to the other type of major breeds, Jerseys produce a pound of milk components at a lower cost. It is more fertile, has a shorter calving cycle, and matures faster. Jerseys are the dairy breed that stays in the herd longer than any other.
How much milk does a Jersey cow produce?
Usually, Jerseys can produce about 6 gallons of milk each day. This is a high-producing animal.
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