Introduction on how to start onion farming for beginners, onion planting questions and answers (FAQs): The Onion is also called the bulb Onion or common Onion. Onion farming is a very profitable business. The botanical name for Onion is Allium cepa– belonging to the Liliaceae family. This is a vegetable and widely cultivated species of the genus Allium. Onion is since ancient times a valuable vegetable plant for people all over the world. The Onion is a biennial herbaceous plant and is typically grown for bulbs as annuals. Depending on the selected Onion crop, it can be grown as long-day Onions (for plains) or short-day Onions (ideal for hilly regions).
A guide on how to start onion farming for beginners, onion planting questions and answers (FAQs)

Different varieties of Onions: For maximizing Onion quality, yields, and profits, select the best Onion variety for you and your farm is very important. Onion varieties differ depending on size, the color of skin, pungency, and maturation, etc., of bulbs. Large-sized Onion bulbs are mild in pungency and are sweet compared to small-sized Onions. Red-colored Onion cultivars are more pungent compared to silver-skinned varieties and then keep better in storage. Yellow Onion cultivars have less demand in the market. The local Onion cultivars are known and marketed after the names of places where they are grown.
Onion crop is a cool-season crop, hardy, and performs better under mild climate without extreme cold and hot. Cool temperature levels during vegetative growth and relatively warmer and sunny weather during bulb formation and maturity are preferable.
Usually, Onions come in different variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. The Onion bulbs range in size from small pickling Onion cultivars to large Spanish onion cultivars. So with every harvest, you will have bulbs to replant for a continual supply. It also has an underground bulb, which is too pungent to eat.
Onion varieties mainly come in 3 different types. They are;
Short-Day Onions – Begin bulbing when day-length is about 10-12 hours. Good Onion types to try are Yellow Granex, Texas Sweet, and Red Creole.
Intermediate-Day Onions – Begin bulbing when day-length is about 12-14 hours. Good Onion types to try are Yellow Candy and Super Star.
Long-Day Onions – Begin bulbing when day-length is about 14-16 hours. Good Onion types to try are Walla Walla, Red River, and Highlander.
Conditions required for Onion farming
In case if you miss this: How To Start Indoor Vegetable Farming.

- You can grow Onion crops from transplants, sets, or seeds. Growing Onion from sets saves time about 40 to 60 days depending on variety; this is a very important consideration if you live in a short-growing season region. Growing Onion from both sets and seeds in long-season regions allows for 2 harvests. The two harvest seasons are one early in summer and the second in late summer and fall season.
- Sets are immature Onion bulbs produced the previous year and offer the most limited cultivars. They are the easiest to plant, harvest, and the least susceptible to diseases. Though, sets are also more prone to bolting (sending up a flower stalk prematurely) than are seedlings or transplants.
- The Onion sets can be identified by using colors like white, red, or yellow. Most growers require white sets for green Onions. When buying sets, look for about 1/2-inch-diameter bulbs as they’re the least likely to bolt.
- Growing Onions from seed offer the great benefit of a wide choice in cultivars. The challenge with starting Onions from seeds is that your crop will take up to 4 months to mature. Growers in cold-winter areas will need to start their Onion seedlings indoors.
- Depending on where you live, Onions can be planted in both the spring and fall seasons. Generally, plant Onion sets outdoors when the weather condition is cool, not cold.
- Onion crops need cool weather conditions without humidity and rain. To get a good crop yield sandy loam soil having sufficient organic matter is required. Onion crops can be well grown on light loam, deep fertile, and fertile soil rich in organic matter.
- Onions are heavy feeders. Onion crops benefit from regular additional fertilizer. For crops growth, Onion crops feed by using an organic fertilizer high in phosphorus (the middle number on a fertilizer).
- Keep Onions in a cool and dry place to prevent rotting. Hang them in mesh bags or braids. Cured Onion bulbs will store from 1 month to a year depending on the variety.
- Keep Onion beds well-weeded and Onions are shallow-rooted. Cultivate often and shallowly. Pull weeds by hand close to bulbs to avoid up-turning plants and use a sharp hoe only to cut off weeds at the soil level. Onion beds need more weeding than other vegetable beds.
Methods of planting of Onions
Depending on soil, topography, climatic conditions, and economic aspects the three methods of planting Onions can be given below;
1. Raising seedlings and transplanting
2. Planting bulbs directly in the field.
3. Broadcasting or drilling of Onion seeds directly in the field.
During the early stages of the crop, plants grow slowly and it is necessary to remove weeds.
Pre-plant incorporation of Basalin (2 kg a.i./ha) along with one hand weeding at 45 days after transplanting is recommended to control weeds in Onion crops. Being a shallow-rooted crop, the deep inter-culture operation is likely to injure roots and reduce crop yield. Generally, 2 hoeings are essential for making the soil loose and to cover bulbs.
The right way to water Onion plants is to water the crops efficiently, extend soaker hoses along the row close to the plants. Or open a small trench between rows and then fill it with water. Then, this keeps the roots supplied while leaving most of the soil surface dry, inhibiting weed seed germination.
Onion harvesting is done when the still green color tops start drooping. The crops are gently pulled out from the soil. However, 10 to 15 days before harvesting irrigation of the field is stopped. To increase the shelf-life of the crop, Onion crops are sprayed by using 1000 ppm carbendazim 30 days before harvest. The Onion bulbs are cleaned and dried in shade for 4 days.
Frequently Asked Questions about Onion Farming
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What family is Onion in?
Onion belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family.
What type of soil is best for planting Onions?
Onions grow well in well-drained soil with pH levels between 6.0 and 7.0. You can increase your soil’s organic matter content by adding well-rotted manure or compost in the spring or fall season. Onions grow well in well-drained, slightly acidic, and fertile soils. Heavy soils can be improved by incorporating organic matter like compost, into the soil. Onions need higher fertility levels.
Why are my Onion seeds not germinating?
Just like seeds want it to be warm enough, and Onion seeds don’t want it to be too warm. They start getting above 26°C and they are going to cook and subsequently not sprout or die. Watch when you throw them out on a warm day that their soil temperature level doesn’t get too warm.
What is the seed rate of Onion per hectare?
About 7-8 kg of Onion seed is sufficient for a hectare of land. Application of 20 to 25 tonnes of FYM/ha in the soil is considered adequate. FYM must be applied one month before transplanting or sowing and mixed well in the soil.
How do you germinate Onion seeds indoors?
February or March is the best time to start Onion seedlings indoors. Sprinkle Onion seeds in the furrows and cover them carefully with soil mix. After that, label the container with the Onion variety.
How long do Onions take to grow?
Onion seeds take longer to grow. If you can start them indoors, Onions already take a long time to mature. An Onion’s average growth rate is about 100 to 175 days till maturity.
Is potting soil good for Onions?
Onions need full sun and rich well-drained soil, water, fertilizer, and room to grow into bulbs. Prepare a large container with potting soil and then dig in a slow-release fertilizer to help roots get a good start.
How deep should the soil be for Onions?
For growing Onions, containers must have at least 10 inches of soil depth. The diameter can be as large, but each Onion needs about 3 inches of space to grow Onions.
How much time does it take to grow Onions from seed?
Onions need 90 days or more to reach maturity and are cool-season crops.
Can I grow Onions from an Onion?
Yes. You can plant Onion from an Onion.
Is Onion grown in black soil?
Onions can be grown in all kinds of soils like heavy soil, clayey soil, sandy loam, etc. Red to black loamy soil is ideal for Onion farming. While Onions can be grown in heavy soils they must have a good amount of organic matter.
Do Onions require a lot of water?
Onion crops need adequate water to produce high crop yields. Remember that it doesn’t take overwatering because it became diseased and rot in the ground. Depending on the amount of rainfall received in, 12-week growing season, we recommend irrigating with 1 inch of water once or twice a week.
Is Onion a perennial crop?
The Onion crop is referred to as a perennial plant but is treated as an annual plant. The crop is harvested and then dried and the Onions are ready for use or storage.
How do I get Onions to grow bigger?
Onions grow bigger of you are start growing from seed in the mid to late winter season. This early start ensures vigorous seedlings that will be itching to explode into exuberant growth the moment they are planted out into rich and fertile soil. Sow them into module trays then thin the Onion seedlings to leave just one to each cell.
Can I cut the tops off Onions while they are still growing?
If an Onion’s stem is broken off, new green growth will form, and the Onion will continue to produce.
How much time does it take for red Onions to grow?
Red Onions grown for bulbs usually need 3 to 4 months to reach maturity. While green Onions are ready to pick in as little as 3 weeks. If the foliage begins to yellow then reduce watering the Onion crop.
What is the process to grow Onions from seed?
To grow Onions from seed, you can start seeds indoors or sow seeds directly outside. Planting seeds directly outside is simple. You won’t need to fuss with an indoor seed-starting set-up or have to transplant Onion seedlings later.
What is the process to grow Onions from Onions in water?
For growing Onions in water, place the Onions in a clear glass or jar. Carefully add enough water to the container’s bottom to cover the roots. Place the glass in a window where it receives plenty of sunlight throughout the day.
What is the best temperature level to grow Onions?
Onion seeds germinate at temperature levels above 4°C; the optimum soil temperature is 23°C. If Onion seeds are planted too early, cooler air and soil temperatures will delay the seed germination process and cause seedling growth to slow.
Can Onions grow without soil?
Onion crops don’t even need soil to grow. If you place a sprouted Onion with the roots down in a glass of water and then continue to grow on the top with new shoots. You can cut off the top part and use it in recipes, or plant the whole Onion, roots and all, in soil and watch it grow.
Is NPK fertilizer good for Onions?
Optimum fertilizers for Onion cultivation are essential for obtaining a good yield. Macronutrients like nitrogen; phosphorus and potassium (NPK) are necessary for Onion plant growth, development, and yield.
What is the best fertilizer for Onions?
Onions require a high source of nitrogen. At the rate of 1 cup per 20 feet of row, a nitrogen-based fertilizer must be applied. The first application should be about 3 weeks after planting and then continue with applications every 2 to 3 weeks.
Can Onions grow in cool weather conditions?
Yes, Onions can be successfully grown in the winter season.
How many times should I water the Onion plant in a day?
Onion crops generally need about 1 inch of water per week.
How much depth do Onions need to grow?
Sets should be planted at a depth of about 1 to 1 1/2 inches in rows about 12 to 15 inches apart. For dry Onions, plant the sets about 2 to 3 inches apart.
When to sow Onion sets?
Mid-March to mid-April is the best time to sow Onion sets. Onion sets can also be sown in autumn from September to early October.
How many Onions do you get per acre?
In single rows, growers can plant approximately 75,000 to 120,000 Onions per acre. For Spanish or large sweet Onions, the in-row spacing can be 4 to 6 inches between plants.
What month do you can plant Onions?
Onions are like cool weather crops, where Onions are grown as a fall or winter crop.
How many Onions will one plant produce?
Usually, one Onion grows per Onion plant. There is one Onion variety known as multiplier Onion that grows around 5 Onions per plant.
How close can Onions be planted?
To produce large-sized bulbs, space the Onion plants 4 to 5 inches apart in the row. The space between rows is about 12 to 18 inches apart in all directions in beds.
Do Onions need full sun?
To grow large Onion bulbs, they want to get enough hours of daylight. During bulb formation, Onions require full sun and at least 13 to 16 hours of light daily.
Can Onions grow in hot weather?
Onions are sensitive to temperature. Generally, they need cool weather to produce their tops and warm weather to produce their bulbs. They are frost-hardy, and you can plant 4 weeks before the average date of the last frost. In the South, Onions can be planted in the fall or winter season, depending on the variety.
How long before Onions can be harvested?
Onions are ready to harvest as they reach a useable size. However, for storage, start the harvesting process is when the leaves begin to flop over or turn brown at the edges.
What are the pests of Onions?
Nematodes, bulb eelworm, thrips and Onion fly or maggot, foliar diseases are the main problems in Onions.
Why are my Onions not growing well?
One main reason for a lack of Onion bulb formation is the wrong type of Onion cultivar for your area. In their natural environment, Onion crops are biennials that have a two-year life cycle. The first year of planting, plant the bulbs and the second year of planting it flowers.
Do Onions like manure?
Onion plants like fertile soil. If the soil is acid it’s worth liming it so its pH level becomes neutral or even alkaline.
Do Onions grow well in raised beds?
If you can follow some growing tips and then Onions can be successfully grown in raised beds. Onions are shallow-rooted, but the roots are intensely located within 8 inches of the plant. If you were to plant the lines of the bed closer than 8 inches it would double the competition for nutrients within that area.
Can you plant Onions in the same bed as last year?
On the same ground, Onions can be cultivated for many years and have grown Onions continuously for this time. However, a strict health routine should be followed if you require using the same ground again and again.
Can Onions grow hydroponically?
Grow Onions hydroponically is a relatively easy process. Onions are the easiest plants to grow in a hydroponic system.
How much time does it take to grow Onions in hydroponics?
There are some steps that you need to follow to be able to grow hydroponic Onions healthy. The ideal temperature level for growing Onions is 18 – 21°C and seeds will take a duration of about 6 to 10 days to germinate.
How deep should a container be for Onions?
The containers used for growing Onions have at least 10 inches of soil depth. For growing 6 or 8 Onions, a 5-gallon bucket works well. A large planter box works great for Onion growth, or even a plastic tub.
Can you grow Onions in a grow bag?
Onions are growing in the open ground, in raised beds, or deep containers. Onions are not suitable for growing bags.
What do Overwatered Onions look like?
An overwatered Onion on the other hand will have yellowish and unhealthy foliage. When the tops start to fall over you must stop watering. Once the Onion tops have turned yellow color and have fallen over they are ready.
How much time does it take to grow Onions from bulbs?
Onions must be harvested in late summer, before the onset of cool weather to prevent spoilage or damage from the direct sun. Bulb Onions should be harvested about 100 to 125 days after planting.
How many Onions can you grow from one bulb?
One Onion you can grow from a single Onion bulb.
How much time does it take to grow Onions from scraps?
One can regrow Onion a scrap into a full-sized Onion on a window sill or in an outdoor Onion patch. All that is needed is time and patience because the cycle can take about 90 to 120 days. If grown Onions indoors, the Onion will need to be steadily repotted into larger containers.
How long do red Onions take to grow?
Red Onions grown for bulbs usually require 3 to 4 months to reach maturity while green Onions are ready to pick in as little as 3 weeks.
Why are my red Onions so small?
Red Onions are so small because of some reasons like growing the wrong type of Onion in your area.
How do you regrow red Onions in water?
Carefully cut any remaining green portion off the Onion, leaving only the small Onion bulb. After that, place the red Onions in a jar or clear glass. Change the water in the container at least every other day.
Where is Onion cultivated?
Almost all soil types are suitable for Onion cultivation. Red to black loamy soil is best suited for Onion growth.
How many Onions grow from an Onion set?
One Onion grows from an Onion sets.
How long does it take to grow Onion transplants?
Transplants take about 2 months to reach full maturity. Onion transplants resemble tiny scallions and set starts for scallions an inch apart. If you want these Onion transplants to grow into larger Onion bulbs, soak them in compost tea 15 minutes before planting, plant them 1 to 2 inches deep and space them 4 inches apart.
What is the yield of Onion in one acre?
An acre of land must yield around 12 quintals of Onion. Because of excess rains, the crop yield got reduced by around 2 quintals per acre.
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