Introduction to pig farming in the Philippines: Pig farming is defined as the raising and rearing of domestic pigs as livestock, and a branch of animal husbandry. Pigs are mainly raised for food (such as pork, bacon, gammon) and skins. Pig farming is also called hog farming or swine farming. The Philippines is located in Southeast Asia. Pig farming in the Philippines has been a lucrative business for Filipinos for decades. Its popularity is seen in the backyards of rural families. The world’s 10th largest consumer, 8th largest producer, and 7th largest importer of pork are the Philippines. In this article we also covered the below topics about pig farming in the Philippines;
- How to start a pig rearing business.
- What are the common breeds of pigs in the Philippines
- Is pig farming profitable
- How do you start a pig farm business
- Pig farming requirements
- Determining the business set up for pig farming in the Philippines
- How to start a pig rearing business
- Commercial piggeries in the Philippines
A step by step guide on how to start pig farming in the Philippines, pig breeds, cost to start pig farm in the Philippines

How to start a pig farm (Image source: pixabay)
Pig is a more traditional business that you can find in the provinces, mainly in agricultural areas. Some families initially make a source of pork in their backyard. But eventually, they expand the facility or do business in larger areas to start a pig farming business. The pig sector is the 2nd largest economic activity in the Philippine agricultural sector. Domestic pig production is growing in both backyards and modern commercial farms.
Pig rearing is a well-known company in the Philippines because of the proliferation of backyard producers that dominate the swine industry and healthy commercial sector. Most of the business in the agricultural parts of the provinces involves raising pigs. Although some families use it for food, most ventures move on by setting up facilities to run a large-scale pig business. It is important to know what you need to do to succeed in this line of work. That’s why this article will provide the information you need to know about start pig farming in the Philippines.
Advantages of pig farming in the Philippines
- Usually, Pigs convert foodstuffs, feeds, certain grain products, meat from mills, through products, spoiled feeds, and waste into valuable nutritious meat. Most of these feeds are either inedible or not very popular with humans.
- The pig grows fast. It is capable of producing 2 liters per year under the best management conditions.
- The carcass return is very high, i.e., 60-80% of the living body weight.
- With a small investment in building and equipment, proper feeding, and disease control programs, the farmer can use his time and effort in this lucrative business.
- Pig excrement is used as fertilizer to maintain soil fertility. However, feeding damaged grains, garbage, and other unbalanced rations can reduce feed efficiency.
- They are prolific with short breeds. A sow can be produced at 8-9 months of age and sown twice a year.
- Pigs are known for their meat production, which ranges from 65 to 80 in comparison to other breeds of cattle, whose dressing yields cannot exceed 65%.
- Pork is rich in nutrients with more fat and less water and has a better energy value than other meats. It is rich in vitamins such as thymine, niacin, and riboflavin.
- Pig manure is widely used as fertilizer for agricultural farms and fish ponds.
- The rate of capital turn-over rate is fast in pig farming compared to farrow-finish operations.
- Special labor and necessary arrangements required for the rearing of herds and newborn pigs are avoided.
- The cost for halting operations is relatively small with grow-out operations. The loss associated with closure is the cost of useless buildings and equipment.
Different pig breeds in the Philippines
There are many imported breeds in the country and it is difficult to find the best breed. Here’s a guide to help you breed based on your goals, money, and experience.
Different breeds to choose;
Currently, there are several breeds of pigs that can be bred in the country. These are Landrace, Large White, Patrine, Dorothy, Hampshire, and Filipino.
Yorkshire or large white – Yorkshire is completely white with medium, erect ears. Sows have a high maternal capacity, wean the field and milk, and are excellent milk producers. It fits well in captivity but not in harsh conditions. Slaughterhouses receive a high percentage of dressing, produce excellent quality meat, and compare favorably with other breeds for growth and economy.
Landrace – Landrace is white, with short legs and medium to large inclined ears. The sows are known for their excellent performance in the mother’s ability and the size of the dirt. They are heavy dairy farmers and produce pigs with better growth rates and efficiency in feed consumption. When crossed with other breeds, they produce highly acceptable carcass pigs. However, they are weak on their feet and legs and have difficulty adapting to harsh conditions. Such defects must be corrected through proper selection and breeding. Landrace breeds are white or pink and have small ears. It is tall but thinner than other breeds. It is known for its mother’s ability to change its diet well into its weight.
Duroc – The color of Duroc comes in a variety of shades of red. The Sows are fruitful and are good mothers. They breed pigs that have better growth rates, better feed conversions, and better performance in harsh conditions than any white breed. These pigs are reddish-brown and golden yellow, with large frames, medium length, and muscular. They are the least aggressive of all meat-bred swine breeds. Although Duroc pigs are known for their deep red color, their colors range from light golden shades to deep reddish-brown. It is a very popular breed of meat, and its cultivation is very profitable for farmers. The breed has also recently served as foundation stock for some mixed-breed commercial pigs.
Hampshire – Hampshire is black with a white stripe around the shoulder and body. They are usually short-legged and lack body thickness. The sows have a reputation of weaning a high percentage of the pigs farrowed and they can adapt to very harsh conditions. These are known for being well-muscled and fast growers, and for displaying good meat quality. Hampshire pigs are known for being fast-growing and well muscular. It exhibits very good quality to use for meat production. The sows are the best mothers, and they have a long life.
Berkshire – Berkshire is black with six white points – four white feet, some white in the face and tail. The ears are erect and the animals move forward. They are known for their style, carnivore, and good adaptation to rough conditions. They have the required length, depth, and balance of body but lack good growth and efficiency in changing feeds for weight gain. The sows do not prolific like other breeds.
Modern animals are almost entirely black. Modern animals have white spots on the feet, nose, and tail. Their legs are relatively short, and their ears are sticky. Berkshire pigs are intelligent animals and are suitable for a wide range of pig farming systems. They are known for producing quality meat. Meat is rich in high-fat content which makes it suitable for long cooking. Berkshire’s pig is a relatively fast grower. And it takes 180 to 195 days from birth to reach about 113 kg of marketing weight.
Pietrain – It is a meaty type of pig with a spotted black and white color. It has good ham and shoulders. Ears are erect. There is a much thinner layer of lean meat, but it has a poor body constitution. Feed performance is not good and they are a bit slow farmers. Thus, Pietrain is valued only in the cross but not as a pure breed.
Patrine is a breed of pig that is known for its black spots scattered around its white or pink body. It is best used for meat production as it contains a higher percentage of meat than fat. These are adapted well to their environment and can be used as boar for breeding purposes.
Location requirements and recommended layout for Piggeries
Pigs must be out of urban areas. It should be located at 25 meters. The radius from the ground and surface drinking water sources must be at least 1,000 meters for medium and large pigs away from built areas (residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial). Must have a dry lot area of 1.86 – 2.79 square meters per sow, 0.74 – 1.12 square meters pig head less than 100 pounds; 1.12 – 1.86 square meters fattening pig head, 100-200 lbs; and 2.32-3.25 square meters per boar.
Construction of pig houses in the Philippines
Pig houses should be properly constructed to ensure maximum growth of pigs. A poor one will get sick easily. For small or backyard operations, cheap and locally available materials such as bamboo can be used. Permanent pig houses should have clean floors to keep them clean and to minimize the presence of parasites and diseases. Concrete floors should not be too rough to cause foot and leg problems and should not be too smooth to slip when wet. Feeders and water wells are best made of concrete, although other materials can be used. Some people use waste automobile or truck tires in half.
Know the risks in pig farming
Make sure to know the inherent risks of your investment in the pig farming business before thinking about your profits. Pigs suffer from a variety of diseases that can be contracted through dirty living conditions, contaminated food, and close contact with other pigs during transport. They are often slaughtered to protect others from contamination. Another risk you should note is the typhoons that come every year as they often destroy fields and destroy livestock. Lastly, keep in mind that since we eat these pigs we have quality standards for livestock that are raised and thus their food is expensive.
Provide comfortable housing and feeding schedule
The Philippines provides bad weather for livestock, as the typhoon destroys provincial areas. Thus, it is important to build a house, choose a concrete floor to keep bacteria away, but be careful not to make the floor rough and there is a risk of injury to the pig’s feet, which can lead to infection. Remember to keep a separate room for infected pigs to reduce contamination. To reduce the risk of flooding, look for their pens on a sloping slope. The housing should include their food and drink troughs which can be made from old rubber tires but concrete would be a more suitable option. Your pigs will grow in 3 to 4 months so that they can be sold and between these times. They need to be given high-quality food. A new ration must be introduced for each developmental stage for a smooth transition to pig feeding behavior. Generally, one week transfer is sufficient.
Different ways to start pig farming in the Philippines
In starting a business, there are two ways you can go about pigs. You can either raise pigs or adopt a rearing system. Both will be profitable but will take longer to grow.
Breeding the pigs
If you want to start a pig farming business and start raising pigs, you need to buy a sow (female feral pig). The cost of one sow is around Php12, 000 – Php14, 000. Before it gives birth, you would have to wait 4 to 6 months. The advantage of this is that you take care of the pigs from birth so that you can make sure that they stay healthy while living with you.
Grow-out system
The first step is to get a starter pig or adopt a grow-out system. In this setup, you get the pig when it is young. Through a continuous feeding cycle of about 12 to 20 kg, you increased the pigs until they reached 90 kg before they were sold. A young starter pig can cost from about 1,600 to 2,000 Pesos. It will take about three months before the pig is sold.
The advantage of a grow-out system is that you are close to a profit. Even though the pig you are going to buy does not raise you 100%, it is still a good call if you plan to start it with a low or limited budget. The downside of growing them is that you have to wait up to 9 months before you can get your first profit. Another advantage of the grow-out system is the lower labor costs for sowing and caring for the pigs. But obviously, there is still a risk of the pig not being in good health. Taking note of prices is the key to success in business. The key to success in the grow-out system is to sell pork. If you want to start a grow-out system, buy your pigs on or before August.
Feeding Management for pig farming in the Philippines
Start feeding commercially good pre-starter rations when the pigs are about a week old. Pig rations should be changed at different stages of growth, but the ration from one ration to another should be changed gradually so as not to disturb the normal eating behavior of pigs. Always allow a transfer period of at least one week before making any changes.
Pigs are given a starter ration from weaning to two months of age and weighing about 10-25 kg. Growing rations are given to pigs they are about 30-35 kg or 2 months old and until they are 15 to 20 weeks old. When the pigs reach 60 kg or are about 20 weeks old, a finisher ration is given.
To make a simple ration, keep in mind that it should always contain enough carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Excluding cassava, corn and corn by-products, and slaughterhouses, which are abundant in some parts of the country, can be used if they are properly cooked and dried.
Dry feeding in commercial operations is done to save labor and the cost of feeding equipment. Wet feeding practices are mostly practiced by backyard producers. Provide clean drinking water at all times. Commercial operations rely on dry feeding due to the economy in labor and feeding equipment.
Health Management for pig farming
Always keep buildings, runways, pens, and tools clean. Sanitize and disinfect them regularly. Quarantine or isolate pigs that have recently been purchased from other sources. When buying breeding stock for alternatives, make sure the animals are vaccinated against common diseases such as pig cholera and swine plague. Always seek advice or services from the nearest Veterinary, Provincial Veterinary Office, or Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) office.
Overall tips for pig farming in the Philippines
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- First of all, make sure you set up your pig business in a place where there is no pollution at all. This will ensure that your pigs are in good shape and will avoid getting sick.
- Secondly, you can hire a veterinarian to check your pigs regularly. While this may increase your costs a bit, it’s best to keep them safe.
- Lastly, make sure that both their shelter and their food are of high quality. Make sure they are properly cared for and in good condition every 2 weeks.
- Proper nutrition and timing are also important for a successful business. Clean water (change their water every 6 to 8 hours if they don’t finish it) Get them checked by a doctor every 3 to 4 weeks. Keep them where they are comfortable, not exposed to too much sunlight and rain, and where they can breathe fresh air.
Cost to start piggery business in the Philippines
You may need a conservative amount of Php 40,000 to Php100,000 anywhere to start a pig farming business, depending on how you want to start. You can always start small and buy them one by one but you can go full blast and start everything right away.
Requirements for pig farming in the Philippines
If you are interested in setting a pig farming business, here are the requirements to legalize your actions.
Business Name Registration – You will need to register your business name at the provincial office of the Department of Commerce and Industry where your proposed turban is located. Your business name will be valid for 5 years.
Barangay Clearance – Visit the Barangay office where you plan to set up a pig farming business.
Mayor’s License and License and Sanitary Permit – You can secure it from the local government. Your license and license have to be renewed every year.
Tax Identification Number (TIN) – Visit the local Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) office in the province.
Certificate of Environmental Compliance – A piggery carries potential hazards to the environment. There will be instructions that you must strictly follow. You can get it from the ECC Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), which is located on Visayas Avenue, Diliman, and Quezon City.
Problems for pig farming business in the Philippines
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Pig farms are affected by some environmental problems such as dirty water, infectious diseases, disease carriers, toxic gases, and unpleasant odors.
The major causes of these contaminants can be divided into (1) feces and feed residue as solid part (2) urine and farm clean water as liquid part.
To improve these problems, there are many possibilities to be followed;
(1) Proper housing management
(2) Flooring system
(3) Pig waste collection and treatment
(4) Utilization of pig feces as animal and fish feed, fertilizer, and biogas production.
Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS), Transmissible Gastro Enteritis (TGE), and Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED) affected all classes of pigs, including breeders in the Philippines. These diseases have led to high rates of disease and death and huge losses in pig production.
It is important to know which stages of pig production are affected and what proportion of pigs have diarrhea. This can be a problem where pigs are kept in large groups on a slatted floor or in a deep straw system. Examination of contaminated areas should provide evidence of the type of diarrhea. The presence of a veterinarian before the farm staff can identify an infected pig in advance increases the rate of diagnostic success significantly. Pigs are less likely to show medical symptoms when strangers enter the pen. Early identification of potentially infected pigs will facilitate the diagnosis and testing of the disease. One solution to the chain of problems facing the swine industry is for the government to start developing and implementing an effective and efficient disease monitoring and surveillance system equipped with functional and reliable diagnostic laboratories.
Business risks of a piggery business
Vulnerability to Diseases – Over the years, we have read stories of people getting sick or suffering from certain conditions after eating pork. Many pigs were slaughtered to protect the cattle from further contamination. Pigs suffer from the following diseases that can result from the following;
- Unsanitary farming conditions
- Contaminated feed
- Co-mingling with pigs from other means during transportation
- You will need to consider budget emergencies that will prevent your pig from getting sick and ill or reduce the risk of an outbreak.
Inclement weather – It is important that the pens are made of strong concrete material. You should also install an efficient drainage system to prevent water from overflowing.
High cost of feeds – Regular and regular feeding schedule is important to ensure pig size and quality. But rising feed prices can seriously affect your profit margins.
These threats are very real in the Philippines which are a net importer and have unpredictable weather.
Frequently asked questions about pig farming in the Philippines
Is pig farming profitable in the Philippines?
Pig farming in the Philippines has been a lucrative business for Filipinos for decades. The average Filipino family usually has very few pigs to meet their daily needs.
How much does cost to a pig in the Philippines?
An early young pig costs about Rs. 1600-2000. It takes about 3 months to sell pork. The second way is to raise pigs.
How many months do pigs grow? Most pig farmers buy pigs that are about 2 to 3 months old and no longer depend on breast milk, then slaughter the pigs (usually about 250 pounds) when they are 6 months old.
How much does a 6-month-old pig eat?
It takes about 5 to 6 months to raise a pig from birth to a final weight of about 250 pounds. The average pig eats about 6 to 8 pounds of feed daily.
How can I raise my pig to raise faster?
- Feed your pig a high-fat diet.
- Choose a source of protein.
- Choose cereal for your pig.
- Increase your pork diet.
- Add nutritional supplements to pig’s diet. Make food more interesting.
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