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Şu ayda yayınlananlar: Eylül 2021

AGRIS MiField Technology Site introduction for 2021

Scott Vandehogen, Seed Manager, AGRIS Co-operative, introduces what’s new at the 2021 MiField Technology Site, located just outside of Chatham, Ontario.

Government watchdog casts doubt on ELM scheme delivery

Farmers Weekly A government watchdog has criticised the rapid introduction of Defra’s Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) scheme and raised concerns over a lack of farmer…

Horsch debuts mounted Leeb CS sprayer range

Farmers Weekly Horsch now has the complete range of sprayers, having launched a mounted model to join its Leeb-branded self-propelled and trailed machines.  The Leeb…

5 cultivation and establishment methods compared

Farmers Weekly Establishment systems cover varying degrees of soil movement, from relatively little disturbance associated with direct-drilling and min-till through to deep cultivations and complete…

Vertical Farming In India, How To Start, Crops

Introduction on how to start vertical farming in India: India is the most populous country. India is developing every day with something new. Also, industrialization…