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Şu ayda yayınlananlar: Eylül 2021

Buurma Residue Management in Winter Wheat

Site highlights the complications of poor chaff spreading for corn following winter wheat in a strip till vs. conventional tillage system.

Hauling manure!

Setting up and hauling manure! The Ag Bros are Jim, Tom and Eric Schuurmans. We are a dairy, poultry and grain farm in Ontario, Canada

Wildlife Smart Coexisting with Coyotes

Manitoba Agriculture – This 13-minute video provides information about coexisting with coyotes in Manitoba, including why we have conflicts with coyotes, how to reduce the…

Farmers fear long-term impact of New Zealand trade deal

Farmers Weekly British farmers fear they could be undercut and their livelihoods put at risk by cheap food imports in a post-Brexit trade deal with…

Milling premiums strengthen on variable wheat quality

Farmers Weekly Milling wheat premiums are rising on quality and supply concerns both at home and in countries from which the UK imports supplies. Premiums…

Warning against ware imports for use as seed potatoes

Farmers Weekly The British Potato Trade Association (BPTA) has written to its membership to warn against the potential use of imported ware potatoes as seed…

Feed manufacturer loses 300t of straw in field blaze

Farmers Weekly An investigation has been launched after 600 freshly made large straw bales stacked in a Northamptonshire field were destroyed in a blaze on…

Cherry Gardening for Beginners – How to Start, FAQs

Introduction on how to start cherry gardening for beginners, cherry planting FAQs: Hello gardeners, we are here with one more topic and the topic is…