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Şu ayda yayınlananlar: Ekim 2021

2021 Veldale Silage Harvest

Another great opportunity for learning at the demo farm in partnership with Veldale Farms! Had various teams out for hands-on learning chopping corn with an…

Sorting Our May Born Lambs

Join us as we feed sheep, spread straw and sort lambs! We have a new handling system and put it to use to separate the…

November price rise for Arla conventional producers

Farmers Weekly Arla conventional milk producers will get a 0.9p/litre price increase from 1 November 2021, while the organic milk price will not be moving.…

Wet October and dry spring challenge farmers, says Velcourt

Farmers Weekly Two consecutive wet Octobers have provided challenges for arable farmers drilling autumn crops. If the trend continues, it may trigger material changes to…

Soil Preparation In Agriculture, Methods, And Tips

Introduction to soil preparation in agriculture: Soil is the backbone of agriculture. Therefore, it is important to know the soil before farming. Soils are of…