Introduction to how to buy agricultural land in Gujarat: Agricultural land is defined as the land that is used for farming or farming purposes. For many people, buying a piece of land is the first step in building a home. One has to verify that there is no dispute and the registration process should be hassle-free for buying agricultural land. Methods and restrictions of buying agricultural land vary from state to state. Therefore, to avoid getting into legal trouble, it is important to verify that the land has a clear and salable title. And according to the census, the total number of registered farmers in Gujarat is about 53.19 lakh.
With increasing purchasing power, investors in India are now looking for innovative ideas to make a profit from their investments. One such way is to invest in agricultural land. There is a section of investors who take benefit of the growing market for organic crops to increase their income. Numerous experts agree that farm investment is a safe option to park one’s funds because the return on investment is higher compared to other investments and it also protects investors’ money. provides.
A guide to how to buy agricultural land in Gujarat, Documents Required, Restriction to buy agriculture land in Gujarat

Land is an important aspect of production, especially agricultural production. Regardless of the development of the power machine civilization and supply and the limitation in the availability of arable or cultivable land is still important.
The benefits of investing in agricultural land
Agricultural land can guarantee long-term returns if it is in an area where the government has planned some projects. Some state governments are planning a land polling policy for areas where the city is expanding. You will be guaranteed a regular return from the polls if you become an owner under the Land Polling Policy. As is true of all land developments, your assets do not diminish over time – something that cannot be said about the property such as flats, and apartments, etc. The amount of money, to maintain it. Investing in agricultural land saves you from spending all that money and gives you the option to use the land for various purposes in the future, within the limits of the law.
There are huge benefits to investing in agriculture in India. The main reason is that the income earned from it and the profit earned from the sale of agriculture are tax-free. It is unlikely that it will be taxable in the coming years.
India is the 2nd most populous country on earth with over 17.5% of the population and is known for its agricultural practices. India is concerned about food security. Thus, rural development has become one of the main areas of focus in existing horticulture and agricultural development programs.
What to know before investing in agricultural land?
Buying land is not as easy as mortgaging a home. Land loans usually need to be repaid within 3-5 years, and both the down payment and the interest rate are higher than the mortgage. Experts suggest paying cash to buy land if you can afford it. It is also important to note that the investment in agricultural land is different from the regular purchase of land. You must have the knowledge and experience to maintain the site properly for maximum profit (or at least the ability to hire someone who has both). You need to be prepared for significant lifestyle changes and environmental factors that affect your crops. That being said, if you have the motivation and resources to invest in farms, there are many ways you can benefit from buying this type of real estate.
Good time to invest in agricultural land – Due to the growing global population, the growing demand for food is proving to be good for farmers. Since then, many nations have been trying to buy large portions of agriculture to better supply their countries with food at reasonable prices. As a result, agriculture is currently a hot red investment, and, according to the Market wire, has been defined as 2% higher than inflation since the 1950s.
Agricultural land offers higher total returns and also exhibits low levels of risk. This is because agriculture continues to produce products that are in high demand and will likely remain so: meat, grains, fruits, and vegetables. Furthermore, even when the market is volatile, farmland usually avoids such volatility and continues to appreciate it.
Although, of course, no guarantee investing in your farmland will yield amazing results by leasing crops or property, you still have the opportunity to build equity. Agricultural land prices have almost doubled in most parts of the country over the past decade, allowing you to make substantial profits by at least owning agricultural land and then selling it to another investor at a later date.
Small things to keep in mind when buying agricultural land in Gujarat
- Remember, make sure you are not buying disputed land
- Other states in our country have different laws for buying agricultural land. Then, you know the principles of this state, and non-compliance with such laws can have the opposite effect.
- The agricultural land must be a marketable title.
- For residential purposes, make sure you are not buying a piece of agricultural land. It is forbidden to build a place to live on farmland. You have to go through the conversion process if you want to use an agricultural property as a residence. Every other state has its important guidelines that need to be followed according to the buyer.
- To obtain a certificate of conversion, a form must be completed and then submitted to the relevant authorities. Also, submit the required documents along with the form.
- To avoid any legal trouble in the future, don’t forget to get a NOC letter from the township.
- However, if you are buying agricultural property, use it only for that purpose.
- This will help you to check the land record you are buying and identify whether the seller is verified and trusted. It only reduces unwanted risks.
Documents required to purchase agricultural land in Gujarat
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The title deed of the land plot – The title deed of the land plot confirms the name of the seller of the title of the property and also confirms whether the seller has full right to sell the agricultural land. The actual current and past practices must be examined by a lawyer to confirm that the seller has not allowed access to others through this land. If more than one person owns the land, a certificate of release must be obtained from the other participants before the documents can be registered.
Agreement for sale – A written agreement is made about the cost and the actual sale time after all the documents have been verified. The agreement should be prepared by a lawyer and then signed by the parties and two witnesses. It is that the contract to sell the document is a prelude to the sale deed. Based on some terms and conditions established in this document, future agreements are likely to proceed. As a result, it is very important to carefully set the terms before signing a sales contract and to diligently understand each clause to fully understand its implications.
Stamp duty on land – Stamp duty is a government tax and changes from state to state. The stamp duty paid will be considered a legal document and submitted to the court as evidence.
Registration of the land – Land registration is defined as the process by which a copy of a document is recorded and the title to the immovable property is transferred to the registrar’s office in the buyer’s name. According to the Indian Registration Act, 1908, the deed must be registered in the office of the Sub-Registrar within 4 months from the date of execution of the document. The document provides some details about the original title deed, past deeds, and two witnesses for property registration.
Conveyance deed of sale deed of the land – It is a document that transfers the title of the property from the seller to the buyer. This will help you find the owner of the property, where the property is located and details such as site measurements, and boundary details, etc.
Encumbrance certificate – For the last 13 or 30 years Encumbrance certificate can be obtained from the office of the Sub-Registrar, to ensure that there are no legal duties on the ground.
Land Measurement – A recognized surveyor can ensure that the plot and its boundaries are accurately measured and as indicated in the title certificate.
Purchase of land from NRI landowners – A person living abroad can sell his land in India by authorizing a third party to sell his land on his behalf. In such cases, an officer of the Indian Embassy should sign in his office the witness and the power of attorney.
The use of agricultural land in India
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Land resources are more important for the livelihood of the people dependent on agriculture;
(i) Agriculture is a purely land-based activity as opposed to secondary and tertiary activities. In other words, the share of land in agricultural production is greater than its share in production in other sectors. Thus, lack of access to land is directly related to the incidence of poverty in rural areas.
(ii) Land quality has a direct effect on agricultural productivity, which is not true for other activities.
(iii) In rural areas, land ownership, apart from its value as a productive factor, has a social value and acts as protection against credit, natural hazards, or life emergencies, and it also increases social status.
The total reserves of agricultural land resources (i.e., total cultivable land) can be estimated by including net sown area, all fallow lands, and cultivable barren lands. It can be seen that over the years, the available total reserves of cultivable land have decreased marginally as a percentage of the total reporting area.
Restrictions to buy agricultural land in Gujarat
A non- agriculturist cannot buy agricultural land in Gujarat. Previously, only those from the state of Gujarat were allowed to invest in agricultural land. The Gujarat High Court passed a decision allowing any farmer across the country to buy agricultural land in Gujarat.
According to the provisions of the Gujarat Tenancy and Agricultural Land Act, non-cultivating individuals and entities must obtain the prior permission of the concerned district collector to purchase agricultural land. The government of Gujarat has decided to amend the provisions of the Gujarat Tenancy and Agricultural Land Act to allow non-farmer individuals to purchase agricultural land.
At the same time, the government has decided to allow the sale of land purchased for other non-industrial purposes under the provisions of the General Development Control Regulations (GDCR) if industrial use is not possible.
An official release from the government said that once such land is purchased, the concerned person or institution has to inform the collector and get the required certificate and start work on the educational project within the stipulated time.
In the public interest, it is appropriate for the entire state of Gujarat to make uniform arrangements for restrictions on keeping agricultural lands beyond certain limits and it is also appropriate to secure the distribution of agricultural lands. General benefits are to be provided to those who need land for agriculture (including cooperative farming societies, landless individuals, agricultural laborers, and smallholders) to acquire additional agricultural land. Commentary on the Act says the purpose of the Act is not to directly interfere with the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants.
1) If possible, go to Rajasthan and buy some small agricultural land where you do not need to be a farmer to buy agricultural land by current rules. Show some crops to make sure you are doing agricultural activities. Then buy agricultural land in Gujarat. Then submit certified copies of land in another to the Gujarat Revenue Offices as proof of being a farmer to register your name in Gujarat.
2) If your brother-in-law is a farmer, then your sister is naturally a farmer. You can finance it on paper to buy agricultural land in his name (Gujarat). Then get a registered power of attorney in the name of your wife (or someone you trust) who has all the power to deal with the revenue authorities with the right to transfer the said land. Then show yourself as the person who cultivates this land and enroll your name in that land as a tiller (you are now a farmer). After some time, buy half portion of the same land in your name.
3) Ask the collector for permission to buy agricultural land and then follow it. Get a good lawyer and confirm the above procedure.
4) To explain in more detail, consult a local experienced, competent property law expert, an intelligent, reputable lawyer, in person, with complete facts, documents and evidence.
Documents to be submitted by the applicant for buying agricultural land in Gujarat
a. Title documents with existing property and lands to be purchased and other relevant documents establishing the right to the existing property as well as title to the seller of the purchased land must be presented to prove the proper flow of title to the vendor of land to be purchased.
b. There is no certificate due from the Cooperative Credit Society / Commodity Boards. This can be waived provided the approving authority is satisfied that the applicant has no liability on the society / financial institutions/commodity boards.
c. Title documents and other relevant documents should be submitted to establish the right to the existing landed property as well as the property to be purchased.
d. A copy of the contract of sale if entered.
e. Valuation reports are to be obtained from the panel valuer / technical consultant for purchase of both the estate and the security of the guarantee offered by the existing immovable.
f. If the loan is to be repaid from other sources of income, supporting documentary evidence must be provided.
g. Copies of tax assessment orders and filed tax returns indicate financial position.
h. Balanced sheet audited for last 3 years.
i. Original registration certificate for coffee / tea / rubber / cardamom status.
Gujarat agricultural land rules
Gujarat Agricultural Land Ceiling Rules 1961
Important rules under the Gujarat Agricultural Land Ceiling Act 1960 will specify;
a) Exemption may be granted to public trusts for education in agriculture.
b) Exceptional land sale conditions.
c) Rules for allotment of lands.
d) Rules for allotment of gardens and compact blocks.
Gujarat Agricultural Lands Ceiling or Compensation Bond Rules 1965
Rules for defining the nature of compensation bonds under the 1960 Act.
Bombay Forfeited Lands Rehabilitation Act 1938
Purpose – To restore the lands which were confiscated by the government during the civil disobedience movement due to non-payment of land tax and other dues to the government.
Avoid some mistakes when buying agricultural land
It is very important to make sure that one considers the importance of the title of the land. Check the title of the agricultural farm before buying it. It is beneficial in two ways. They are it helps to avoid legal complications and it helps to get the land faster.
Buyers must be aware of agricultural land laws mainly if they are from another state. Agricultural lands fall under the jurisdiction of the state and the rules may change from state to state. It is very important to review existing laws before buying agricultural land.
Buyers should make sure to physically verify the property and then look at the details. This is important for agricultural land, as the buyer knows the soil quality and other properties.
Small or marginal farmer certificate for buying agricultural land in Gujarat
Procedure – Gujarat farmers can apply for a Small or Economic Farmer Certificate by using the below procedure;
- To apply for the Certificate of Small / Economic Farmer, one has to go to the DC office or the relevant office of the Land Revenue Department of your area.
- Consult the authority to obtain the recommended application form to apply for this service. The applicant will have to pay the application form if required.
- In the received application form, fill in all the required details.
- Attach photocopies of all required documents to the application form.
- Submit the documents to the concerned authority and then pay the required fee.
- Receive a receipt and keep it for further reference.
- Visit the relevant office during the application period to get your certificate after the processing time allotted by the officials.
Agriculture land purchase scheme in Gujarat
Realizing the plethora of problems with the purchase of agricultural land, the government embarks on a series of solutions using agricultural loan schemes. One such loan scheme is banks that offer term loans for the purchase of agricultural land. As a result, it improves the productivity of the agricultural sector and contributes to the country’s economic development. In addition, most importantly, it helps small, individually small, tenant farmers acquire land for agricultural purposes. In addition, it helps to use uncultivated and barren land for farming. Thus, the bank offers loans ranging from Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 10 lakhs with long-term repayment options.
Objectives of Loan Scheme for Purchase of Agricultural Land
- To increase agricultural production, assist different types of farmers in purchasing land.
- Use of fallow lands for farming
- Easy access to land for purchase of agricultural land
- And, encouraging other agricultural sectors while diversifying existing activities
Eligibility – Individuals who have started farming and allied sectors are eligible for agricultural loans. The below-mentioned people are eligible for loans for the purchase of agricultural land;
- Firstly, small and marginal farmers are owners of less than 5 acres of dry land or 2.5 acres of irrigated land even after purchasing land from a loan
- Distributors and tenants Farmer
- Sharecroppers and tenant cultivators
Necessary documents
- Land documents (Certified by Revenue authorities)
- No Certificate owed (Cooperative Credit Society or Commodity Boards Financial Institutions)
- Documents of title
- Supporting documents as proof to right over the agricultural land
- Sale agreement copy (vendor and applicant)
- Simplified Application (Loans less than Rs. 3 lakhs only)
- Additional Documents as specified by the concerned bank
- And, the processing charge will be nil for loans up to Rs 25,000 but above that, the decision is taken by the banks.
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