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Şu ayda yayınlananlar: Kasım 2021

Polisten kaçan otomobilden 3 bin paket kaçak sigara çıktı

Adana’da polisin ‘dur’ ihtarına uymayan ve takip sonucu durdurulan otomobilden çuvallara konulmuş 3 bin paket gümrük kaçağı sigara ele geçirildi. Takip sırasında otomobili terk edip,…

Fly-tipping gang dealt £12,000 fine and county ban

Farmers Weekly Five persistent fly-tippers who dumped building waste in country lanes have been fined a total of £12,000 and handed criminal behaviour orders (CBOs).…

COP26: Unions seek more government support for farming

Farmers Weekly Four UK farming union presidents have called on the UK governments and global leaders at the COP26 climate talks to support a sustainable…

Defra delays report on lump-sum exit payments

Farmers Weekly Defra has announced a delay in its response to its consultation on the lump-sum exit scheme, which would pay farmers looking to retire…