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Best Fertilizer for Mango Tree: When to Apply and How To Apply

Fertilizer for Mango Tree6

When fertilizing Mango trees, it is important to select the fertilizer according to the age and size of the tree. The number of fertilizers represents the ratio of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) are the main plant nutrients. Mango trees planted in sandy soils require more fertilizer than those planted in clay or loam. Fertilizers that combine phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen with manganese, zinc, and iron are considered the best for Mango trees.

Best Fertilizer for Mango Tree
Image Source: Pixabay

When looking for a good fertilizer for your Mango tree, your options can range from specific citrus fertilizers to fruit tree fertilizers. Mangoes are usually fertilized before flowering, not during flowering. Choosing the right Mango tree fertilizer will help you get the right pH balance for your soil. Let’s check out the best fertilizer for mango tree.

Fertilizing young trees 

In the first-year Mango trees receive 1 to 2 pounds of slow-release 10-20-20 fertilizer divided into three or four applications before they grow. During their second and third years, they should be given 1 1/2 to 3 pounds of 10-20-20 fertilizer in the same way. Fertilizer is spread directly under the leaf drip line and applied to the soil. Complete fertilizer containing 6 to 10 percent nitrogen, 6 to 10 percent phosphorus, and 4 to 6 percent magnesium is suitable for young Mango trees. Be careful not to apply too much fertilizer to young trees. 

Fertilizing Mango trees 

About 1 pound of complete, slow-release fertilizer per inch of trunk 4 to 5 feet above the ground. Half of this fertilizer is applied before flowering, not during flowering, and the rest after harvesting Mangoes. Generally, 9 to 15 percent potassium and 2 to 4 percent phosphorus should be reduced in the fertilizer for trees. Commonly available fertilizer mixtures that are satisfactory for Mango trees include 6-6-6 and 8-3-9-2, indicating 2 magnesium. To encourage flower and Mango yield, additional nitrogen fertilizers are applied before the Mango trees begin to flower.

Fertilizer schedule

Manures and fertilizers can be applied from September to October. Fertilizers are applied and added to the peripheral leaf drip at a distance of 45 to 90 cm from the stem.

Age of the Plant
FYM (kg)N (g)P (g)K(g)
10th onwards5010005001000

The full dose of FYM and half dose of N, P, and K should be given during the monsoon while the other half is applied at the end of the monsoon. Weeds should be removed from the basin before fertilizing. The use of micronutrients is not recommended as usual. It is recommended to apply micronutrients with foliar spray. 

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Image Source: Pixabay

The best organic and natural fertilizer 

Mango trees are easy to grow organically because the nutrients they need are widely available from organic matter. 

Cow manure

When cow manure is properly fermented, it is one of the best sources of nutrients for this fruit tree. It will help in the healthy growth and growth of flowers. 

Organic fertilizer

Undoubtedly one of the most complete organic fertilizers. It contains a good amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Also, at the same time as it helps us to fertilize, it allows us to get rid of all the organic residues that we produce at home. 

Fish emulsion

This is a great option if you don’t mind the smell of fish around your Mango plant. You can get this fertilizer in the nursery or make it at home, you can see that it is easy to do. For fruit trees, use commercial organic fertilizers with a high percentage of potassium, such as 5-8-10, or apply these nutrients with organic matter. Fertilizer is a good organic source of both phosphorus and potassium. You can use rock phosphate, guano, blood meal, or bone meal to provide phosphorus, and seaweed or potassium sulfate to provide potassium. 

Important nutrients and application of Farmyard Fertilizer (FYM) 

FYM approx. 50 parts have to be put in the ring and mixed well in the soil. In addition, 2.5 kg of urea, 2 kg of single superphosphate (SSP), and 1.5 kg of Muriate of Potash (MOP) should be mixed well and 50% of it should be put in the ring and watered well. Will be. And the rest has to be planted during flowering. About 500 grams of urea can be added at harvest time. 

Need for micronutrients

It has been observed that micronutrients are mainly used in zinc, copper, and boron to control fruit dropping and improve flowering and the quality of fruits. 50 grams of zinc sulphate, 50 grams of copper sulphate, and 20 grams of borax per tree/year are recommended. A well-organized Mango orchard can yield about 10 tons per hectare. An adequate amount of fertilizer is the most important factor in getting a high yield of Mango.

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Image Source: Pixabay

Liquid kelp, which is mixed with water and applied by drench or spraying, is not only an organic source of micronutrients but also has high levels of potassium. Dolomite and agricultural lime (calcium), Epsom salts (magnesium), and boron (sodium borate) can be lightly sprayed on the dripping line of the plant and applied to the ground. 

Homemade and best fertilizer for Mango tree

Using tea powder and groundnut cake

  1. Fertilize 10 kg groundnut cake. 
  2. Boil 2 kg of tea powder and mix it in groundnut cake. 
  3. In addition, add 2 liters of curd. 
  4. Keep the mixture for 3 days. 
  5. Dilute the mixture in 5 liters of water. 
  6. Use this mixture to get higher yields and also treat various tree diseases.

Chemical fertilizers for Mango fruit growth

Mango trees need fertilizer to produce good fruit and ensure the health of trees. Commercial production of Mangoes uses both chemical fertilizers and organic forms such as compost. When you plant for the first time, mix a superphosphate fertilizer (0-45-0) with the soil to encourage strong root growth. When the tree is larger, plant 1 to 2 pounds of nitrogen (10-20-20) in the first year and then 1.5 to 3 pounds of the same fertilizer in three or four applications during the second and third years. Spread fertilizer around the tree drip line and water well afterward. 

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Mango Flower
Image Source: Pixabay

Liquid natural fertilizer 

Fish emulsion is a liquid natural fertilizer that usually has a nitrogen/phosphorus/potassium ratio of 5-3-3. If you apply a fish emulsion every 2 weeks in hot weather, your Mango tree will continue to grow. It is a good practice to apply chelated micronutrients such as iron from time to time. Chemical fertilizers can burn young trees, so fish emulsion is a good choice, especially for the first year or two of tree life.

When to fertilize Mango trees 

The time of fertilizer application in Mango cultivation must coincide with the most demanding time of the plant. This occurs immediately after the harvest when the plant has used most of its reserves in the growth and maturation of its fruit, so it will be an important time to apply fertilizer. Fertilizer is first applied to the soil and leaves to provide tree reserves for the growth of flowers, fruits, and initiation vegetative growth. 

Generally, the following is recommended – Apply 50% of the required elements immediately after pruning and apply the remaining 50% after flowering. The microelements will be applied in three stages, 40% after harvest, 30% after 2 months, and the remaining 30% after 2 months of the second application, try to apply microelements in the rainy season. 

In case you miss this: Mango Flower and Fruit Drop, Causes, Control Methods

Mango Tree
Image Source: Pixabay

For mature trees – Fertilizer is applied before the first spring growth and immediately after harvest. The timing of spring growth, as well as harvesting, depends on the climate of your area and your Mango species. In some areas, Mango trees begin to grow in May. Within about 100 to 150 days after flowering, the Mango fruit is ready for harvest. Commercial harvest takes place in June and July, but the fruits can last until early autumn. Fertilization is not recommended after mid-summer, even if you harvest in September. 

How much fertilizer does a Mango tree need?

For young trees, fertilize once a month, for large trees three to four times a year. The quantity varies depending on the size of the tree. Young trees should receive at least 1/4 pound of fertilizer per month but not more than 1 pound per month. Harsh fertilizers can be replaced with organic fertilizers, such as fish emulsions, which make young trees less likely to grow. Take a soil sample to determine what soil you need so that the maximum amount of suitable fertilizer can be used.

Is NPK fertilizer good for Mango trees?

The values ​​of NPK represent the concentration that is the three most important nutrients in any fertilizer for any plant. 

Nitrogen (N)

In favor of the growth of aerial parts of vegetables (leaves, stems). It is partly responsible for the green color of the plants and provides resistance to pests. 

Phosphorus (P)

It is important in the ripening of seeds, flowers, and fruits. It contributes to the formation and growth of roots and plays an important role in drought resistance. 

Potassium (K)

It is decisive in whole-plant growth, it allows roots and stems and allows seeds, fruits, and leaves to grow. It provides resistance to pests and diseases, helps in the circulation of other nutrients around the plant, and regulates plant functions. Specifically, each number indicates the percentage of the total weight in terms of nutrient weight under consideration. 

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Mango Farm
Image Source: Pixabay

Commonly asked questions for Mango tree fertilizer

Do Mango trees need fertilizer? 

Mango trees need more nitrogen when they are young, but they need less when they start to bear fruit. For commercial fruit trees, use high-potassium commercial organic fertilizers, or apply these nutrients with organic matter. 

How can you increase the growth of the Mango tree? 

Grow your grafted Mango tree in extremely favorable environmental conditions. Water the new trees two or three times in the first week, flooding the area around the trunk. Fertilize your tree once the new growth has started, feed it monthly nitrogen plants till autumn. 

What nutrients do Mango trees need? 

For plant growth, at least 14 elements or nutrients are required, the 4 most important nutrients for Mango production are nitrogen (N), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and boron (B). 

How can I grow flowers in my Mango tree? 

For citrus fruit-bearing trees, fertilize Mango trees with nitrogen fertilizers to promote flower production and healthy tree growth.