Commercial goat farming for dairy and meat production in Kenya is growing rapidly and is contributing significantly to national income, economic growth, and improved human nutrition. Goat farming has become very popular among small-scale farmers in urban and densely populated areas of Kenya. Let’s check out more information about goat farming in Kenya.

Many people want to start an agribusiness without passing through much stress. If you are looking for a livestock farming business in Kenya that can earn you good cash without any pressure, take a look at the goat farming business in Kenya. The growing pasture population, human activities, and the weakening of traditional rules governing the use of resources have reduced the productivity in northern Kenya, which has led to a shortage of chevon and mutton in Kenyan markets.
The goat farming business is common in Kenya, especially in rural areas. People raise goats for wool, milk, and meat. Goats are very tough and some breeds can withstand the weather. What people choose for their goat breed depends on their location and climatic conditions. Dairy goat farming in Kenya has doubled in recent years as interest in the project has grown among most of the country’s farmers. This is because consumers prefer goat’s milk over other cattle’s milk because of its nutritional and easily digestible properties. In addition, dairy goat farming is emerging as a more profitable option for small farmers in Kenya.
Do Kenyan people consume goat meat?
In addition to cow meat, goat meat is another type of meat that is popular in Kenya. And that’s because of its unique taste or aroma. Kenyan love nyama choma, especially goat meat. In addition, goat meat is very nutritious. So let me conclude that many Kenyans eat goat meat every day and this will lead you to the excitement of starting your commercial goat farming in Kenya.
In case you miss this: Common Mistakes in Goat Farming: For First Time Goat Owners

Dairy goat production system in Kenya
Goats can be housed in a variety of systems depending on the availability of land and labor. These systems are intensive, semi-intensive, and extensive production systems.
Intensive system of rearing dairy goats
Intensive system, also called zero-grazing, is a system of keeping goats where goats are kept. Goats are provided fodder and water. In the intensive system, the mating is controlled, where the farmer can decide which bucks and does mate and the time for mating. This ensures that there is no crossbreeding and flock multiplication is controlled.
Extensive system in dairy goat farming
Under the extensive system of dairy goat farming, goats are allowed to graze under their feed, under the care of a herdsman. It works well where there is no soil problem and there is suitable vegetation for goats. To ensure that goats get a balanced diet, goats should be given nutritious food and mineral salts. Housing is provided for dairy goats so that they are safe and comfortable at night. Under this system, each goat needs 1 square meter of space. This means it can hold 200 goats instead of 20 by 10 meters.
In case you miss this: Common Mistakes in Goat Farming: For First Time Goat Owners

Semi-intensive system in dairy goat farming
The semi-intensive system of dairy goat farming is a combination of both intensive and extensive systems. The goats are left to graze and are also provided with feed and water. In some cases, make goats are zero grazed, while does (female goats) are grazed. Though, the does are brought to the bucks for mating.
What is the best weather condition to raise goats in Kenya?
Unlike some livestock farms such as chickens, fish, and livestock, the goat is an animal that never chooses weather conditions. And most of all, Kenya’s climate is perfect for raising goats in any state.
Is goat farming a profitable business in Kenya?
Raising goats in Kenya is a lucrative project if all needs are taken into account. Goat’s milk production in Kenya is lower than that of cow’s milk. Goat’s milk yields more per liter than cow’s milk. A dairy cow needs half an acre of Napier grass to raise, while it can raise 5 goats. In addition to keeping goats for milk, there are other value-added products such as goat’s milk yogurt, and cheese. Goat farming is a profitable business in Kenya. Make market research that is in high demand and you will get more benefits and go into it.
For example; A healthy and mature goat can weigh about 35-40 kg (therefore, the price of a goat should be about 7,000 Ksh or more. And suppose you have about 100 goats in your goat farm, you would be selling for about Ksh 700,000. Let’s say the cost of feeding and labor is up to 100,000 Ksh, yet you can earn up to 600,000 Ksh every year. So, goat farming is a good investment, although no business can make you rich overnight.
In case you miss this: Dairy Disease Symptoms and Treatment for Cows, Cattle, Goats, and Sheep

Meat goats rearing in Kenya
Meat goat farming is becoming more and more popular in Kenya. This is because they can be kept in dry areas and are hardy. The goats are reared in a short time, the gestation period is shorter, the extra kids are more likely to need more space, and the cows need less space. They are also very easy to invest considering the initial capital investment and the time you need to participate in them.
Construct a suitable house for your goats. The house should;
- Have a suitable place to keep each goat. Generally, an adult goat needs an average space of 0.5 – 0.75 square meters.
- Free from sharp objects, insects, and wild animals
- Proper ventilation
- Be calm, quiet, and noise-free on your farm. Goats like solitude.
You can divide the housing management into two parts;
Resting or sleeping area – Make the goat’s sleeping area comfortable enough with good ventilation facilities, soft bedding, a wall with a door, a nice roof, and there should be a well-ventilated system.
Feeding area – The feeding area consists of a feed rack, slatted floor, water trough, and rainproof mineral block pack area. Ensure adequate flow of fresh air and light in goats’ sleeping and grazing areas.
Because goats are browsers, not grazers, a house 1.5 feet above the ground will look more attractive to them. It also helps reduce food waste. A house of 1.8 m * 1.8 m * 2.5 m (5.5 ft * 5.5 ft * 8.5 ft) is suitable enough for housing 10 small goats.
In case you miss this: Top 50 Goat Farming Tips, Ideas, and Techniques

Feeding the goats
- Dairy goats should be fed like dairy cattle.
- Good quality hay should be the 14-18% protein content should be fed as a supplement during lactation.
- Avoid overfeeding to avoid dystocia as well as toxic events of pregnancy. Excessive grain feeding can lead to animal development.
- In general, the less expensive minerals are, the less important trace minerals are available.
- Provide fresh, plentiful water to avoid a decrease in water consumption, especially for high-yielding does.
- Goats eat grass, weeds, and small branches of bushes and trees. They can eat vegetable leaves, peels and roots, corn husks, citrus and banana peels, and other plant waste.
- Goats are ruminants and therefore chew and can use rouges with high fiber content. They produce proteins, vitamins B and K in the rumen.
- Goats are fastidious feeders and they are the last animals to die of drought.
- Most of these herbaceous legumes contain antioxidants (such as tannins and cyanide). It is recommended that this should not exceed 25% of the total feed requirement. To reduce the amount of moisture and increase the dry meter (DM) they should be wilted before feeding.
Goat breeds in Kenya
Dairy goat breeds in Kenya
There are many breeds of dairy goats in Kenya today. These are goats that are raised for milk. You can also look for your local classified or online dairy goats for sale in Kenya. When choosing a breed of dairy goat in Kenya, make sure that the breed has high yields and quality milk. These are the most popular breeds of dairy goats in Kenya.
- Saanen
- Toggenburg
- Barbari
- Jamunapari
In case you miss this: Dairy Goat Breeds, List, Milk Production, Breeding

Breeds of meat goats in Kenya
There are many breeds of meat goats in Kenya. If you are considering raising goats for meat, you should consider it. Find breeds of meat goats in Kenya that are highly productive and produce good quality meat. If you are buying a baby goat, make sure they are properly vaccinated. Here are the popular breeds of meat goats in Kenya.
- Boer
- Mato
- Black Bengal
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