Son dakika haberine göre; Akdeniz’de Kıbrıs Adası açıklarında 5,1 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi. Deprem Antalya, Adana ve Mersin’de de hissedildi.
Şu ayda yayınlananlar: Şubat 2022
Aile ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanı Derya Yanık, 1 milyon çocuğun faydalanacağı Anaokulu/ Anasınıfı Destek Programı’nın bu yıl başlayacağını açıkladı.
Adalet Bakanlığı’ndan Avrupa Konseyi (AK) Bakanlar Komitesi’nin Osman Kavala kararına ilişkin, “AK Bakanlar Komitesi yargısal makamlar gibi hareket ederek yetkisini aşmıştır. Oy çokluğu ile alınan bu…
In this edition of Rural Ramble on the Road, Jaclyn visits with Tim Fritz and Dallas Coultes at Fritz Farms to chat about data, how…
Did you know that October is National Apple Month? We kicked off our celebrations with a tour to an apple orchard to talk about all…
Day 17 of the 2021 harvest! Conditions slowly getting worse! The dually was spinning out in the mud!
At Ewetopia Farms it is hard to find a day that isn’t a busy day. Running a fairly large sheep farm with just the two…
We survive the cold and get to work in the warmer weather. Vaccinating, deworming, feeding, and bedding cattle.
Farmers Weekly Dizzying costs have squeezed finisher margins and pegged store cattle values to the same point they were a year ago. This is despite…
Farmers Weekly Tougher climate change targets are on the way in Northern Ireland, which look set to impose greater challenges for livestock-based agriculture in the…