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Şu ayda yayınlananlar: Şubat 2022

Güngör Arslan cinayetinde 2 kişi tutuklandı

Kocaeli’de bir internet haber sitesinin sahibi olan gazeteci Güngör Arslan’ın öldürülmesiyle ilgili adliyeye sevk edilen 4 kişiden Ramazan Ö. ve Burhan P. tutuklandı.

Meet Your Farmers: Dave McEachren

Grain farmer Dave is focused on utilizing cover crops to increase sustainability. Watch to find out more and check out the rest of our farmers…

Rolling out of the corn, hopefully onto beans?

We have made it to day 20 of harvest. basically, halfway finished. Sometimes the dually don’t fit so the 78 has to go! Then we…