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Şu ayda yayınlananlar: Şubat 2022

NFU elections: One new face at the top table

Farmers Weekly Essex arable farmer Tom Bradshaw has been elected deputy president of the NFU. Mr Bradshaw, the current vice-president of the union, saw off…

Stirling: Charolais sale sees 27 bids in five figures

Farmers Weekly An incredible 27 five-figure bids lifted the Charolais average more than £1,300 to £8,449 on Tuesday (22 February) at Stirling. Goldies Rocky from…

Stirling: 30,000gns bid sets Simmental record average

Farmers Weekly Eight bulls above 10,000gns and a dizzying 30,000gns top call saw averages inch higher in the Simmental ring at Stirling on Monday (21…

Russia-Ukraine tensions rattle grain market nerves

Farmers Weekly Grain prices are rising as tensions between Russia and Ukraine risk disrupting exports from the Black Sea region. Both Russia and Ukraine are…

Bringing out the best in wild birds on farms

Natural habitat maximizes the benefits of birds for farmers, food safety and conservation A supportive environment can bring out the best in an individual —…

Travma ve bağımlılık

Bazı insanlar senelerce bağımlılık ile uğraşır. Bu uğraşların içinde ilişki sorunları, bir kaç kez tedavi denemeleri, bir kaç kez bırakıp tekrar başlama vardır. Kimi zaman…