Sağlık Bakanı Fahrettin Koca, “Ümraniye Devlet Hastanesinde tekniker arkadaşımıza şiddet uygulayan şüpheli, tutuklanarak cezaevine gönderildi” dedi.
Şu ayda yayınlananlar: Şubat 2022
Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi (TBMM) Genel Kurulu’nda, uluslararası sözleşmeleri içeren 5 ayrı kanun teklifi kabul edildi. Tekliflerin görüşmeleri sırasında AK Parti ile CHP milletvekilleri arasında…
Charting the Path Ahead Visit our blog for the latest news on our work as we head towards the Farm Bill. Be sure to stay…
Asiyah Suchak, M.Sc. Student at University of Saskatchewan, shares an update on her research study on canola protein extraction, including the method of protein extraction…
Seed World Group – President of IPSA Chris Cornelius sits down with Seed World Editor Alex Martin to talk about the future of her new…
FCC is the only lender 100% invested in Canadian agriculture and food. Subscribe to our channel for videos to help take your farm business management…
Alberta Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Econ. Dev. – The American Spirits Exchange Ltd. provides an introduction/overview of how the U.S. alcoholic beverage industry is regulated,…
Learn how to maintain the Squeeze Lockbox on your Arrowquip chute in this tutorial with Steve Langrell and Stuart Samuels.
Farmers Weekly The UK’s fight against zoonotic diseases – which can be transmitted from animals to humans and include avian flu and bovine TB –…
Farmers Weekly Northern Ireland’s sheep breeders have been reassured animal movements to Great Britain will not be affected by a small outbreak of maedi visna…