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Şu ayda yayınlananlar: Şubat 2022

Dereye uçan otomobilde can pazarı

Giresun Etbaşoğlu mevkiinde sürücüsünün kontrolünden çıkan otomobilin dereye uçtuğu kazada can pazarı yaşandı. Otomobildeki 2 kişi Giresun Belediyesi İtfaiye ekipleri, AFAD ve vatandaşların yardımıyla kurtarıldı.

Brandt Agricultural Products | Ag Blade Showcase

Brandt’s ag blade allows you to take on a wider range of jobs with your wheeled articulated four-wheel drive tractors. Whether you’re moving snow, handling…

Defra agrees to host pig industry crisis summit

Farmers Weekly The UK government has agreed to host an emergency summit in a bid to find solutions to the worsening crisis in the pig…

4 ways to cut carbon footprint of suckler beef

Farmers Weekly Embracing a combination of cow and youngstock management changes could help suckler herds reduce the carbon footprint of every kilogramme of meat produced.…