Ankara Valiliğinden hava durumuna ilişkin yapılan açıklamada, “Hava şartlarının getireceği olumsuzluklara karşı vatandaşlarımızın dikkatli ve tedbirli olmaları mağduriyetler yaşanmaması açısından önem arz etmektedir” uyarısında bulunuldu.
Şu ayda yayınlananlar: Mart 2022
Muğla’nın Bodrum ilçesinde, Yunanistan unsurlarınca Türk kara sularına geri itilen 46 kaçak göçmen Sahil Güvenlik Komutanlığı ekipleri tarafından kurtarıldı.
İçişleri Bakanı Süleyman Soylu, Ukrayna’nın Ankara Büyükelçisi Vasyl Bodnar’ı kabul etti.
“I believe that regenerative agriculture is the way to keep farmers and ranchers on their land and provide them with the tools they need to…
Dr. Becton talks about some of the things the National Pork Board is doing to help swine producers in terms of preventing the entry of…
Since the covid pandemic began, producers have seen the price of swine feed ingredients increase. With this increased cost, it is important that we research…
Semi Full Of Pigs Gets Stuck: In this one the boys start off the day by getting Site 3 all ready for baby weaner pigs.…
Saskatchewan Conservation Learning Centre – Brooke is the acting manager of the Conservation Learning Centre (CLC) and is discussing the influence of potassium fertilizer on…
Prairie Weather Media – Federal Grain Elevator in Dunleath, Saskatchewan. Aerial footage of Dunleath, SK and its old Federal grain elevator with surrounding fields of…
Farmers Weekly It is notable that in the media and trendy political circles there is increasingly an unquestioned assumption that “rewilding” farmland is a good…