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Şu ayda yayınlananlar: Mayıs 2022

Denizli’de krom madeninde göçük: 1 işçi hayatını kaybetti

Denizli’nin Acıpayam ilçesinde krom madeninde meydana gelen göçükte 1 işçi mahsur kaldı. Denizli Valiliği tarafından yapılan açıklamada, “Yapılan çalışmalar neticesinde Ali Rıza Kut (40) isimli çalışana…

Eating Acres For Breakfast

Eating Acres For Breakfast — Seeding wheat in Saskatchewan

Tips on how arable farms can manage risk next season

Farmers Weekly The stakes are much higher and the risk is far greater, but in most situations the margins should still be there, say commentators,…

Machinery Milestones: History of the combine harvester

Farmers Weekly Threshing machines were an international success story for British manufacturers, and the companies involved became global leaders, but the combine harvester market proved…