Dr. Tom Crenshaw is a Professor in the Department of Animal Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In this episode, Dr. Crenshaw shares some exciting…
Şu ayda yayınlananlar: Haziran 2022
time lapse of 2022 garden panting, southeast ALBERTA
Farmers Weekly Drive a tractor on the road for any length of time and you are bound to see some form of reckless manoeuvre from…
Farmers Weekly AHDB data analysis has revealed the secrets behind the top 25% most profitable arable farms – and while yield is the most important…
Farmers Weekly Cereal-based cattle finishing is heading for enormous challenges unless beef prices can match the furious pace of rising costs and smash the £5/kg…
Farmers Weekly During the spring, we emptied our slurry pit and spread the slurry lightly on most of our silage fields. For us organic farmers,…
Farmers Weekly Farmgate milk prices are being driven up as UK and global milk supplies remain tight. This week Muller announced a 4.5p/litre increase 1…
Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF) has published the new California Organic Research Agenda (CORA), a comprehensive report that examines current needs and challenges of organic…
COVID-19 pandemisinin etkileri yavaş yavaş azalırken Maymun Çiçeği virüsü haberleri yeni bir endişeye yol açtı. Virüsün yeni bir pandemi yaratıp yaratmayacağına bilinmezlik devam ederken bulaş…