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Şu ayda yayınlananlar: Temmuz 2022

Direct drill funding helps farm focus on soil health

Farmers Weekly Making the change to a more regenerative farming system would have been prohibitively expensive for Essex grower George Halsall without the support of…

Photos: The stunning return of Royal Welsh Show

Farmers Weekly The iconic Royal Welsh Show took place this week as thousands of people returned to Builth Wells for the four-day celebration of farming…

Farmer Focus: Stop and remember the joys of farming

Farmers Weekly Attending a local farmer’s funeral recently (a man who had passed away in his 80s), I was reminded how intricately interwoven rural communities…

Annual grocery price inflation pushing 10%

Farmers Weekly Grocery price inflation hit 9.9% over the four weeks to 10 July – the second highest level ever recorded by retail analyst Kantar…

From Farmland to Frac Sand

This article is part of our series of in-depth investigations. Got a tip? Please contact us on our secure email at civileats-at-protonmail.com.