Yeşilçam’ın usta oyuncusu Fatma Girik’in vefatının ardından vasiyeti ile ilgili kardeşi Günay Girik’in iddialarına yeğeni Fatma Ahu Turanlı ve kardeşi Müesser Girik’in avukatından açıklama geldi.…
Şu ayda yayınlananlar: Temmuz 2022
Kamuoyunda, “Sarallar” olarak bilinen organize suç örgütüne yönelik yapılan operasyonda gözaltına alınan Erdal Acar, “suç işleme amacıyla örgüt kurma” ve “yağma” suçlarından tutuklanması talebiyle nöbetçi…
Photo Credit: USDA On April 1, the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) opened enrollment for the Conservation Reserve Program’s (CRP)…
After losing more than 100 birds against avian flu at the end of April, Peggy Ife says she can’t wait to start her chicken farm…
It’s a fun challenge to be both videographer and talent while out in the field!
The farm is owend by the dutch Brink Family who realy have a beautifull farm and take realy good care of their herd.
Some footage of me operating the Bobcat and what I did on Canada Day!
Saskatchewan Patch For Sale – SK Selling on Tuesday, September 6, 2022 at 9:00 AM MDT
Farmers Weekly The timing of the Welsh government’s update on its plans for the future of farm policy was significant. Releasing it in the run-up…
Farmers Weekly Balance was a strong theme this year – all finalists were finding an optimal point between work and rest, milk output and quality,…