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How to Start Quail Farming from Scratch: A Detailed Guide for Beginners

Quails are becoming increasingly popular among poultry enthusiasts due to their compact size and the delicious products produced by this small bird. Although Quail is considered a game bird, Quail rearing quickly becomes another important thing for the homesteader. You must read this information about Quail farming, which will help you earn more profit. 

How to Start Quail Farming From Scratch
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How to start Quail farming from scratch

Why keep Quail? 

People have different reasons for wanting to raise Quail. These are small, interesting-looking birds that do not need to be kept in a large area. Quail breeders recommend keeping them in large cages. Their small eggs — five Quail eggs are about the size of one chicken egg — and meat is sought after by hobbyists, who provide food for the family or as a small farm business.

These items can be sold at farmers’ markets and high-end restaurants. Quail can also be kept for breeding purposes, as well as the offspring for hunting or nature conservation, for wildlife release, or for sale to other Quail breeders. 

Are Quail easy to raise? 

Quail birds are smaller than their backyard poultry counterparts and require less space than backyard chickens. But even though they’re small, Quail present their challenges. Their enclosures need to be more secure, and they are more vulnerable to predators because of their size. Quails are also susceptible to the disease. Good reasons to keep Quail are;

  • Quail are small birds that lay small eggs.
  • They are useful for meat and eggs. 
  • You can house the entire flock in a garage, outdoor shed, or laundry room. 
  • Quail are not noisy birds, so no one will know you have them unless you tell them. It takes a few minutes a day to throw out a litter tray. 
  • Quail eat very little but are large enough at slaughter that one or two birds can feed an adult. 
  • Quail reach full maturity and lay eggs at only six weeks of age, making their transition time quick. 
  • Quail eggs command a premium if you want to sell eggs; in an area, they are about $8 per dozen.

What do you need to raise Quail? 

Raising Quail in your backyard for meat and eggs has become a fun hobby for many urban homeowners. Backyard Quail are small, take up precious little room, and you can eat eggs and meat year-round. To raise Quail, if you want them to lay eggs or for your food, you will need a suitable enclosure, feeder, waterers, and nesting box. Depending on the Quail size “covey” (a group of Quail) and what you plan to raise them for, you may also need a permit from your state.

Some districts have outright bans on raising Quail, so check your municipal zoning codes. The Eastern Bobwhite is the common Quail type raised in the United States. According to some breeders and experts, Coturnix, or Japanese Quail, is also a good breed for beginners. You can buy fertilized Quail eggs to hatch in an incubator, which requires more skill and maintenance, or buy day-old Quail baby chickens.

In case you missed it: Earning 40000 Per Month from Quail Farm: A Success Story of a Quail Farmer

Quail farming
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What are the advantages of Quail farming?

Quails are small poultry birds, and they are very easy to handle. The major benefits of starting a Quail farming business are listed below. 

  • They are small birds, so we can keep Quails in small spaces. 
  • Quail feed costs are relatively low compared to poultry or other poultry farms. They do not need special farmhouses. 
  • You can raise them indoors and keep 6 to 7 Quails per hen in one place. Therefore, a commercial farm requires very little investment and management. 
  • Quail birds are potent and less prone to disease or other health problems. So the risk of this business is low. 
  • Quails are small birds that can be raised in a small space. 
  • Quail feed costs are relatively low compared to chickens or other poultry birds. 
  • Quails have few diseases and are very hardy. In addition, quails grow very fast and mature faster than any other poultry bird. 
  • Quails start laying eggs within 6 to 7 weeks of their age. Their eggs take about 16 to 18 days to hatch. Quail meat and eggs are delicious, tasty, and nutritious. Hence it is a significant source of food and nutrition. Quail farming requires small capital, and labor costs are very low. Quail can be successfully reared commercially. Some people have started a commercial Quail farming business. 
  • Quails are very robust birds and are less prone to diseases or other health problems. So the risks in this business are less. 
  • Quail meat is low in fat. Therefore, it is suitable for high blood pressure patients. 
  • As a result, all kinds of people can buy Quail eggs, and you can easily sell eggs. Since the initial costs are low, you can start this business with little investment. 
  • Since it is a profitable business venture, commercial Quail farming can be a great source of income and employment for unemployed educated people. Also, you can start raising a few Quails alongside your current occupation. 

Which breed of Quail is best? 

  1. Coturnix Quail – Coturnix Quail, is the perfect breed of Quail for raising meat and eggs in your backyard. They produce more eggs and meat than other Quail breeds. Coturnix Quail will mature at about seven weeks and begin laying Quail eggs. 
  2. Northern Bobwhite Quail – The Northern Bob White Quail is the most popular breed of Quail and is used for hunting and training bird dogs and is very good to eat. 
  3. Bobwhite Quail – Bobwhite Quail are about the same size as Coturnix Quail. Because of this, the space available for Quail can be considered when you choose this type. 
  4. King Quail – Also known as button Quail or Chinese painted Quail, these characteristic little birds are found among homesteaders and poultry owners. They are beautiful birds with colorful feathers, weighing about 1.5 – 2 ounces. They mature very quickly, reaching full maturity in about 12 weeks. 
  5. Gamble Quail – They are flighty birds prone to escape in the wild because they are not fully domesticated. They are challenging to carry, demanding a lot of care and attention. Birds learn to feed quickly and feed their young longer than other Quails. 
  6. California Quail – This bird prefers to forage on the ground and is common in public areas such as parks and gardens. 
  7. Mountain Quail – Mountain Quail are not very common but unique birds. They are a bit more expensive than your typical bird. 

In case you missed it: Backyard Quail Farming – Quail Raising Practices

Quail housing
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Select Quail breeds – 18 varieties of Quails available are very suitable for profitable Quail farming businesses. Some of these breeds are known for egg production, and some are known for meat production. Quail breeds are of two types: broiler and layer. Here we have mentioned some popular breeds of broiler and layer Quail. 

Layer Quail breeds
  • Tuxedo 
  • Pharaoh 
  • British Range 
  • English White 
  • Manchurian Golden 
Broiler Quail breeds
  • Bobwhite (American) 
  • White-breasted (Indian) 

How many Quail can you keep together? 

  • Depending on size, you can usually fit five to ten Quails in one Quail cage. 
  • The most common size is about 15 inches high by 18 inches wide, with a slanted floor so the eggs can fall onto the front egg tray that sits outside the cage. 

How many eggs do a Quail lay per month? 

The popular Coturnix Quail can lay an egg daily for between two and eight months. They are currently the most fertile and productive, with the ability to produce up to 300 eggs a year. 

Can I raise Quail in my backyard? 

  • Raising Quail in your backyard for meat and eggs has become a fun hobby for many urban homeowners. 
  • Backyard Quail are small, take up precious little room, and you can eat eggs and meat year-round. 
  • Quail can go from hatch to slaughter weight in 6 weeks.

Is Quail eggs a good business? 

Quail farming business is a profitable business for small and landless farmers. Quail farming refers to the commercial raising of Quail (like other poultry) to produce profitable eggs and meat. The Quail farming business is very easy, profitable, and entertaining. 

A Quail can produce up to 1 egg per day, and some will tell you they taste better. Even though they are small, you get plenty of fresh eggs weekly. Besides the fact that Quail mature in about seven weeks, they lay eggs sooner than other chickens. Some Quail lay their first egg at two months of age compared to chickens which take 18-20 weeks. 

How many months does it take for Quail to lay eggs? 

They start laying eggs at seven weeks before the Bobwhite Quail at 17 weeks. Mature hens lay 300 eggs a year. Birds raised for meat can be slaughtered after seven weeks, when they reach full size and maturity. 

Can you make money selling Quail? 

Quail meat can sell anywhere from $2 an ounce to $7 an ounce, depending on location and demand in the area. Jumbo Coturnix Quail usually weigh between 12 and 14 oz. It may not seem like much, but remember, Quail can reproduce quickly, are easy to care for, and grow fast.

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Quail birds
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Are Quail hard to raise?

If properly managed, the Quail is an exotic dual-purpose bird that is easy to raise and fun to own. Consider the following factors when raising Quail chicks: 

  • Adequate temperature 
  • Sufficient light 
  • Adequate air movement 
  • The density of Quail baby chickens 
  • Feed and water supply 
  • Hygiene rules 

How many Quail lay an egg per day? 

  • Quails are most fertile and productive between two and eight months of age when hens typically lay one egg per day.
  • Fertility declines at nine months and beyond, although the average Quail hen can still lay 200 or more eggs a year. 
  • For best results, keep a male with only two to three females.

What are the disadvantages of Quail production? 

There are some disadvantages of using or rearing Quail. They have a particularly high ammonia content and can have an objectionable odor. In addition, a sharp decline in reproductive performance occurs after about eight months of age. 

How many times a day do you feed the Quails? 

  • Depending on how many Quail you have, you may need to empty the troughs at least twice a week. Quail can be messy eaters. 
  • The food you feed your Quail is one of the most important factors in egg production. So, if you want to increase their egg-laying abilities, you should feed them the right Quail feed and feed that meets the Quail’s basic nutritional needs and supports their growth. 

What is the best food for Quail? 

Wild Quail are primarily “granivorous,” meaning they eat grains primarily. Sorghum and cracked corn are usually their favorites, but they enjoy tasty treats like insects. They are not picky with food. Pastures and grasslands provide valuable nesting habitats, and these areas can be improved by planting native warm-season grasses (e.g., big bluestem, Indian grass, and little bluestem) and legumes. These grasses grow in clumps, giving Quail easy access to the food and cover benefits they provide. 

Whatever housing method you choose, remember that Quail are delicate creatures requiring routine checks regardless of the habitat. Your habitat should be completely predator-proof, with no holes where predators can enter (even small ones). Wire flooring is always best, as it allows them to move around and release waste on the ground. And a dust bath area is always a must. 

What is the best habitat for Quail? 

  • Quail Cages – Often, you will see Quail in small cages, which are probably the most common Quail habitat. Although this cage system may seem small, the truth about Quail is that they enjoy living in small spaces, and they feel more secure and comfortable. 
  • Quail Hutches – Often used at our home, rabbit hutches are an excellent option for Quail housing. Many times, householders have rabbit hutches on hand when they take Quail. While the hutch needed a bit of modification, we’ve been quite happy with the hutch-type setup. It gives your Quail a large area to run around while allowing the droppings to fall through the wire floor.
  • Pastured Quail – Pastured Quail is a brand new concept. While running a pasture pen with Quail may not be as easy as chickens, it is not impossible. 

What vegetables do Quails eat? 

  • Quail will start eating more leafy vegetables and fruits to supplement their diet. 
  • However, even when grains and seeds are widely available, they will still eat insects and leafy greens. 

What do Quail do in the winter? 

Their feathers allow them to trap air and protect them from the cold. In the winter, Quail often form coveys groups, huddling together to conserve body heat. Quail owners provide a bulb where all the birds can gather around. 

Is raising Quail cost-effective? 

Depending on age, a Quail will cost anywhere between $1-$5. So with Quail, you can start at a lower cost and have less time in the hatching phase. It means you can have a whole flock in less than two months and with less investment than you would pay for one chicken. 

Is Quail meat healthier than chicken? 

  • Quail is better for you than chicken because Quail meat is high in vitamin C and iron. 
  • Quail gives you vitamin A, while chicken does not. It also gives you more minerals and amino acids than chicken meat.

Will Quail live with chickens? 

Quail can be raised with chickens, but they need their coop section and aviary. Arrange to separate chicken and Quail coops so that Quail and chickens do not mix. Do not run Quail with chickens—separate pasture or yard areas. 

In case you missed it: Quail Farming Business Plan – A Beginners Guide

Quail cage
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Are Quail easier to raise than chickens? 

Quail are also easy to raise; since they are less than half the size of chickens, they do not take up much time, space, or resources. In our home, we raise Coturnix Quail with our flock of chickens, and learning how to start Quail farming was easy. 

What do I need to raise Quail? 

To raise Quail, if you want them to lay eggs or for your food, you will need a suitable enclosure, feeder, waterers, and nesting box. Tips for keeping Quail healthy;

  • Never add adults to start Quails. 
  • Quail eggs are very difficult to hatch, so start with baby chickens. 
  • Keep coops under two feet high, so they can’t fly up and injure themselves. 
  • Feed them a high-quality diet and ensure they have enough calcium to keep their eggshells strong. 
  • Try to keep the Quail house dry and clean at all times. 
  • Provide adequate light and air movement inside their home. 
  • Keep Quails of different ages separate from each other. 
  • Separate diseased Quails from healthy ones. 
  • Burn or bury the dead bird. 
  • Do not allow other birds, animals, or unknown persons inside your farm Quail house. 
  • Ensure a healthy and balanced diet. 
  • Provide adequate sweet and clean water according to their demand.

How much space does a 50 Quail need? 

  • A cage size of 12.5 x 20 x 25 cm is required for a pair of Quails. A cage of 120 x 60 x 25 cm is needed for 50 Quails. 
  • Space requirements vary with the type of accommodation. The height of the Quail house depends on the type of housing system, and the size of the housing depends on the number of Quails we want to keep. 
  • It also depends on whether the keeper wants to enter the room for various operations such as feeding, cleaning, and administrative operations.

How many years does a Quail live? 

The average life span for Quail is less than 1 year. Quail birds are a prey species and face significant sources of mortality from the day they are laid in the nest as an egg. 

Care and other management tips;

  • Good bird care is essential for a successful Quail farming business. 
  • Quail are very hardy birds and generally require little maintenance. However, good care will help the birds grow better and produce more. 
  • Monitor your bird’s health regularly, and take appropriate action if you notice anything unusual. 
  • Vaccinate your birds on time, and keep in good contact with your local vet. 
  • Always try to check the health of your bird.
  • Monitor the health of your birds. If your birds seem to be acting unusual or not eating well, the Quail may be unwell. You can either call a doctor or heal yourself. In addition, you can solve some small problems on your own. 
  • If your birds are curled up in the corner of the cage, either your birds are sick or have a cold. If the birds are cold, remove them from the cage and place them in a warm box. But if your birds are sick, you can take them to the vet. 
  • Mites are a big problem for Quail. You can treat your bird by either dust bathing, purchasing mite power, or using another safe way to get rid of Quail mites. Your birds can also get injured sometimes. You should remove injured birds as soon as possible and isolate them in a separate enclosure until they are fully recovered. 
  • Quails also cannot tolerate high temperatures. You can move your birds to a cooler room and provide them shade or a heat source. 

Do Quail need sunlight? 

  • Do not have more than 16 hours of light per day because Quail need time without light to sleep. 
  • Quails stop laying if they receive less than 12 hours of light daily. Therefore, it is normal for egg production to drop during the winter months as sunlight hours decrease. 

How do you make a Quail house? 

Quail are small birds which makes them easy to house and feed. There are a few different ways to keep them, but since we are talking about egg production and Quail eggs, we will focus on that. Their accommodation can be either indoor or outdoor. If it is outside, they will need an enclosure in an area where the birds can roam in cold weather. Converted rabbit hutches are the easiest way to house Quail.

Also, remember that if they are outside, they should have a roof covering to protect them from the sun and rain. Quails don’t need a lot of space, and unlike chickens, they don’t tend to bully each other. They get along in groups as long as they have enough personal space (about 1 square foot per bird). 

In case you missed it: Quail Farming Project Report, Cost and Profit Analysis

Quail Feeding
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What do Quails need in their cage? 

Quails are great little birds if they are provided with quality food, plenty of water, and a clean environment. In addition, they prefer a peaceful existence, so they disturb as little as possible. The Quail house should be protected from rain, wind, hail, snow, and sun. Although the cage should be sheltered from wind and sun, it still needs plenty of fresh air and a little sunlight.

Can you get sick from Quail? 

Quail is a hardy bird compared to other poultry. Therefore, diseases are less common in Quails than in other poultry birds. But, they are very sensitive to sudden environmental changes, especially during the first two weeks of their life. They are usually not given any vaccine to prevent the disease. The following diseases are very harmful to Quails. 

  1. Ulcerative Enteritis (Quail disease) 
  2. Coccidiosis Histomoniasis (Blackhead) 
  3. Capillary Worms (Capillaria spp.) / Crop Worms 
Pest and Disease Control tips
  • Check birds regularly for lice or insects. A small dusting box containing sand mixed with an effective insecticide works well. Whenever birds are handled, spray them with insecticide. 
  • Sanitation is essential throughout your program. Clean water troughs daily, water bowls at each refill, feeders at least once a week, and maintain general cleanliness. 
  • Do not store mixed feed more than one month in advance of need. It can become loose, lose quality, and harm birds, especially if stored improperly. 
  • Do not allow your labor to feed any bird. They can transfer diseases from their hands to your birds. Quail producers often overlook this source of disease. 
  • Keep visitors away from breeder pens and areas. For some, this may be difficult to do, but it will save you from problems in the future.


Quail are an incredible source of meat and eggs, especially if you live on a small property. Some growers even keep Quail in apartments and balconies––they are so easy to tend to. Quail can be reared in small areas, are low maintenance, and cheap to raise with a high return on investment and a high return on investment. Quail are family-friendly, making them the perfect pet for homes with small children. Above are the tips for growers looking for a money-making venture who should consider Quail farming for profit.

This information How to Start Quail Farming from Scratch: A Detailed Guide for Beginners appeared first on AgriFarming