Bursa’nın Yenişehir ilçesinde çiftçilik yapan onlarca vatandaşın Tarım Bağ-Kur günleri SGK tarafından iptal edilince çiftçilerin emekli olmaları zora girmişti. Günleri iptal edilen çiftçiler konuyu yargıya…
Şu ayda yayınlananlar: Eylül 2022
Cumhurbaşkanlığı Sözcüsü İbrahim Kalın, katıldığı bir televizyon programında açıklamalarda bulundu. Kalın, Suriye ile siyasi diyalog kurulacak mı? sorusuna, “Suriye ile siyasi temas konusunda şu anda…
At Ewetopia Farms, we wanted to catch up on the things we missed doing while we were away showing sheep yesterday. Luckily, the ewes waited…
The last of the haying vidjas fer now!! Harvest 2022 has Begun!! || Straight Pipe Acres
I got a tour of the Oil Museum of Canada in Oil Springs Ontario, and learned the history of the first oil well in North…
Millionaire Farmer || John Deere 9750 combine no start, no crank issue FIXED!!!! Yeehaw
Farmers Weekly Modelling work by the Stabiliser Cattle Company (SCC) shows that suckler beef farmers can reduce their carbon footprint by 40% with better management…
Farmers Weekly Welcome back to This Week in Farming, your weekly update of the best news and views from the Farmers Weekly website. Every Saturday…
Farmers Weekly Thanks to everyone who entered the 2022 Harvest Photography Competition. Your pictures captured a real sense of this summer’s harvest. Here is a selection…
Farmers Weekly A new model now props up Bobcat’s latest R-Series telehandler range, with the modestly proportioned TL25.60 measuring just 1.84m wide and 1.93m high…