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Şu ayda yayınlananlar: Aralık 2022

Dünyanın Gözü “TRT World Forum 2022”deydi

“Geleceği Şekillendirmek: Belirsizlikler, Gerçekler ve Fırsatlar” temasıyla 9-10 Aralık’ta İstanbul’da gerçekleşen “TRT World Forum 2022” sona erdi. İki gün boyunca küresel sorunların masaya yatırıldığı foruma,…

Dry beans: Princess of the Field

Dry beans are a tough crop to grow, and yet farmers love to grow them! Click to watch this video and learn why dry beans…

Life of a Farm Family

What’s it like to grow up on a broiler breeder poultry farm? Actually, what IS a broiler breeder poultry farm? Watch this video to learn…

Pecan Perfect

Pecan Perfect | texasfarmbureau

Was Dad Right Or Was I??

Was Dad Right Or Was I?? | | SaskDutch Kid

Why milking robots are a good fit for Iceland’s dairies

Farmers Weekly About half of all dairy cows in Iceland are now milked through robots, with the fast-paced adoption of technology allowing farmers to enjoy…