Product Manager Bryan Willert gives an overview of the features and benefits of the KUHN GF 03 Series trailed and mounted rotary tedders.
Şu ayda yayınlananlar: Şubat 2023
Farmers Weekly A chicken’s ability to walk without discomfort is necessary for optimal performance, so maintaining good foot-pad health is not only vital for bird…
Farmers Weekly Whether it’s a legal, tax, insurance, management or land issue, Farmers Weekly’s experts can help. Hannah Burton, a partner in the estate management…
Farmers Weekly The runner-up of the simple category of the 2023 Farmers Weekly Inventions Competition is Marcus Smith with his badger-proof trough. On a mission…
Farmers Weekly The past few weeks have seen the fields around Cambridge burst into a hive of activity. Fool’s spring or not, it is hard…
Farmers Weekly Some canny upcycling has simplified calf feeding for Dan Roberts of Pwll Farm, Treuddyn. His 5m-long portable trough is made from five spare…
Greenhouse farming is a type of agriculture that uses artificial climate control to produce crops indoors year-round. This method of agriculture is particularly suited to…
Büyükşehir Belediyesi öncülüğünde kurulan Muğla Tarım Güç birliği Kooperatifi, Dalaman yerel susamından üretilen 3 ton tahini İspanya, Fransa ve Kore’ye sattı. Muğla Büyükşehir Belediyesi’nin öncülüğünde…
Saray Belediyesi’ne ait seralarda ata tohumundan yetiştirilen ıspanak ve lahanalar, cuma günü Saray halkına ücretsiz dağıtıldı. BAŞKAN ERKİŞ ISPANAK VE LAHANA DAĞITTI Tarımsal üretime önem…
Tarım ve Orman Bakanı Vahit Kirişci, Diyarbakır’daki Güvenlik ve Acil Durumlar Koordinasyon Merkezi’nde (GAMER), Kahramanmaraş merkezli depremlerin ardından yürütülen çalışmalara ve verilen desteklere ilişkin açıklamada bulundu. Art arda…