A new year generally means a fresh set of opportunities to keep growing, especially when it comes to grants for many agricultural programs operated by the federal government. As we embrace the spring season ahead, USDA has announced a number of funding opportunities for sustainable agriculture. While all of these grants are exciting, it can be challenging to keep track of what is currently available. Below, we have collated all the information that food and farm organizations might need to best utilize the newly released funding resources. From funding guidelines, application deadlines, and program requirements, the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition has covered everything needed for the latest round of Requests for Applications (RFAs) to support your community of farmers and advocates.
The funding opportunities listed below are broken down into three categories:
- Research and Education Programs
- Nutrition Programs
- Beginning Farmer, Equity, and Urban Agriculture Programs
The RFAs in this post are organized by category and then by application date, from earliest deadline to furthest out.
For more detailed information on these and other USDA grant programs, see NSAC’s Grassroots Guide to Federal Food and Farm Programs. To learn more about funding opportunities and updates within the Local Agriculture Marketing Program (LAMP), click here to read NSAC’s blog post on all Spring 2023 LAMP RFAs.[1] [2]
Research and Education Programs
Alaska Native-Serving and Native Hawaiian-Serving Institutions Education Competitive Grants Program
The Alaska Native-Serving and Native Hawaiian-Serving Institutions Education Competitive Grants Program supports the institutions serving these student populations in their education, research, and community development programs in the broad area of food and agriculture disciplines. The program is especially focused on projects that offer educational equity for underrepresented students and prepare them for careers in food, agriculture, and natural resources. This year, the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) announced $5 million available for grants under this program with no matching requirements. Public or private nonprofit institutions that are Alaska Native-serving or Native Hawaiian-serving that meet statutory requirements are eligible to apply.
Apply: Applications can be submitted here.
Deadline: March 28, 2023
Hispanic-Serving Institutions Education Grants Program
The Hispanic-Serving Institutions Education Grants Program is a competitive grant program that supports the ability of Hispanic-serving institutions to provide higher education programs for outstanding students in food and agriculture sciences, enhancing the future professional workforce in agriculture. NIFA announced the availability of $16 million for education grants for this program with no matching requirements. Only Hispanic-serving institutions are eligible to apply.
Apply: Applications for this RFA can be submitted here.
Deadline: Regular grant deadline is March 29, 2023, Collaboration Grant deadline is March 30, 2023, and Conference Grant deadline is March 31, 2023.
Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative (OREI)
The Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative (OREI) is a competitive grant program operated by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) funding projects that integrate research, education, and outreach activities that will assist farmers and ranchers who have already adopted organic practices to expand their production of high-quality agricultural products and their marketing strategies. The program focuses on projects that deliver research-based information in a practical way to farmers and ranchers. This year, NIFA announced the availability of $44 million for OREI grants.
Those eligible to apply include: state agricultural experiment stations; colleges and universities; university research foundations; research institutions and organizations; federal agencies, national laboratories; private organizations, foundations, or corporations; individuals; or any combination of the groups listed above.
Apply: Applications can be submitted here. A technical assistance webinar for applications for OREI will be held online on March 14, 2023. Register here.
Deadline: April 13, 2023
Organic Transitions Program (ORG)
The Organic Transitions Program (ORG) is a competitive grant program that supports the integration of research, higher education, and extension programs to address the challenges of transitioning to organic agriculture. Projects funded by ORG help farmers transitioning to organic agriculture by providing research and education resources that improve the competitiveness of organic operations, offer guidance on understanding the economic and environmental benefits of organic agriculture, and share culturally-relevant alternatives to substances addressed by the National Organic Program. This year, NIFA announced the availability of $7.5 million for ORG grants.
Those eligible to apply include: colleges and universities (including research foundations at a college or university); 1862 Land-Grant Institutions, 1890 Land-Grant Institutions, 1994 Land-Grant Institutions; and Hispanic-Serving agricultural colleges and universities.
Apply: Applications can be submitted here. A technical assistance webinar for applications for OREI will be held online on March 14, 2023. Register here.
Deadline: April 27, 2023
Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Sustainable Agricultural Systems (AFRI SAS)
AFRI, USDA’s largest competitive research grant program, funds research, education and extension projects that address food and agricultural systems. The AFRI Sustainable Agriculture Systems program invests in integrated approaches to research, education, and extension activities. The program focuses on projects that take a systems-approach to improving the supply of nutritious and accessible food and reducing the ecological impact of agriculture through economic development and rural prosperity. Earlier this year, AFRI announced the availability of $300 million dollars in grant funds across all AFRI programs.
Those eligible to apply include colleges and universities (including research foundations at a college or university); 1994 Land-Grant Institutions; and Hispanic-Serving agricultural colleges and universities.
Apply: Applications can be submitted here. FAQs about the AFRI Sustainable Agriculture Systems program can be found here.
Deadline: July 13, 2023
Nutrition Programs
The Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program Competitive Grants Program
Originally created in the 2014 Farm Bill, and later expanded in the 2018 Farm Bill, the Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program, or GusNIP, is a competitive grant program that brings together stakeholders from the food and healthcare systems to improve the health and food security of American households that participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). By providing incentives at the point of purchase, GusNIP intends to increase fruit and vegetable purchasing for consumers using SNAP benefits. This year, NIFA announced just over $36 million for GusNIP Nutrition Incentive Program grants.
Those eligible to apply include government agencies and nonprofit organizations. Institutions of higher education that also serve as local, county, tribal, territory or state government agencies are eligible if they provide documentation showing their status as a government agency.
Apply: Applications can be submitted here. Two technical assistance webinars for applications for the GusNIP Nutrition will be held online on March 6 and March 16, 2023. Register here.
Deadline: May 4, 2023
The Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program Produce Prescription Program
Originally created in the 2014 Farm Bill, and later expanded in the 2018 Farm Bill, the Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program, or GusNIP, is a competitive grant program that funds nonprofit organizations and government agencies for projects that increase the purchases of fruits and vegetables for low-income consumers by offering incentives. One of the funding opportunities under this program offers “prescriptions,” or other financial and education incentives, for healthy produce for consumers who either have or are at risk of developing diet-related diseases. By offering these incentives, GusNIP hopes to increase healthy food consumption, and reduce food insecurity and healthcare costs. NIFA announced $10.8 million available for the GusNIP Produce Prescription Program this year.
Those eligible to apply include nonprofit organizations and government agencies. Eligible applicants are encouraged to partner across the food and healthcare system.
Apply: Applications can be submitted here. Further resources for applicants can be found here. To watch the recordings of previous webinars on this RFA, click here.
Deadline: May 16, 2023
Beginning Farmer, Equity, and Urban Agriculture Programs
Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production (UAIP) Competitive Grants Program
First announced and funded in fiscal year 2020, the Urban Agricultural and Innovation Production (UAIP) Competitive Grants Program made competitive grant funding available for projects that support the development of, and innovation in, urban agriculture projects. Operated by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the program offers two types of grants: planning project grants and implementation project grants. Planning projects initiate or expand the efforts of farmers, citizens, governments, or schools in urban and suburban areas working to develop urban agriculture to address food access issues, business start-up costs, or development of zoning policies. Implementation projects provide funding to accelerate existing urban agriculture spaces and practices that improve local food access and involve the collaboration of multiple partners to support infrastructure, education, and policy implementation.
Those eligible to apply include county governments, nonprofit organizations with or without a 501(c)(3) status, federally recognized Native American tribal governments, Native American tribal organizations other than federally recognized tribes, special district governments, schools serving students in grades K-12, soil and water conservation districts, and city or township governments.
Apply: Applications can be submitted here. A recording of a technical assistance webinar for UAIP applicants can be viewed here. NRCS has also published a FAQ for interested applicants here.
Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program
Created in the 2018 Farm Bill as part of the Farming Opportunities Training and Outreach (FOTO) Program, the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (BFRDP) is the only USDA program focuses on funding projects that provide technical assistance, education, and training for the next generation of farmers in the United States. The program supports local, state, and regional partnerships that create opportunities for beginning farmers to learn and develop business and farm production skills. At the time of publication, the estimated total amount of grant funding available for BFRDP is $28 million, but an official announcement has not yet been made.
Those eligible to apply include collaborative state, tribal, local, or regionally based networks or partnerships of qualified public and private entities, which may include: State Cooperative Extension Services; Federal, State, municipal, or tribal agencies; community-based organizations (CBOs); nongovernmental organizations (NGOs); junior and four-year colleges or universities; foundations maintained by a college or university; and private for profit organizations. Applications that do not involve a network or partnership are not eligible for BFRDP grant funds.
Apply: Applications can be submitted here. A technical assistance webinar has yet to be announced, but updates can be viewed here.
Deadline: April 27, 2023
Equity in Conservation Outreach Cooperative Agreements
USDA NRCS is seeking to fund projects that will improve outreach to underserved producers and communities and inform them of opportunities in conservation programs and agricultural careers for students. This new round of funding expands on the initial investment NRCS made in equity-focused cooperative agreements in fiscal year 2022. The agency is offering funds for two-year projects aimed at improving participation in conservation programs within underserved communities as part of their commitment to reducing the barriers that underserved producers face in utilizing USDA services. Eligible projects include those that use technical assistance and outreach to promote NRCS programs, develop community conservation partnerships, inform small-scale and urban agriculture producers, and support the adoption of climate-friendly agriculture practices. NRCS announced the availability of $70 million for cooperative agreements for this grant opportunity.
Those eligible to apply include state and federally recognized Native American tribal governments and organizations, nonprofits with or without a 501(c)(3) states, nonprofit higher education institutions, public and state-controlled higher education institutions, and conservation districts.
Apply: Applications can be submitted here. A pre-recorded webinar with more information can be found here. Additionally, NRCS will be hosting 4 live webinars about this grant opportunity. Information on joining these webinars can be found here.
Deadline: April 27, 2023
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