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Şu ayda yayınlananlar: Mart 2023
Farmers Weekly Finally, there’s some clarity about what the Sustainable Farming Incentive will offer, with six new standards on top of the three existing ones,…
Farmers Weekly An ambitious project to manufacture a biomethane-fuelled high-performance tractor has moved a step forwards with the unveiling of a pre-production design set for…
Farmers Weekly Experts on Scottish agriculture were grilled last week at Farmers Weekly’s second Question Time event, held at the SRUC Oatridge campus. During a…
Farmers Weekly Backyard poultry keepers will need to officially register their flocks under new government plans designed to curb the spread of avian influenza. Flocks…
Farmers Weekly Although milk prices have dropped back recently, they are still well above previous pricing. But with high costs for certain inputs, producing milk…
A version of this article originally appeared in The Deep Dish, our members-only newsletter. Become a member today and get the next issue in your inbox.
Dairy farming is raising cows, goats, or sheep to produce milk for human consumption. Dairy farming is an important agricultural sector, contributing to the state’s…
Uzmanlar deprem bölgesinde moloz kaldırma esnasında çevreye yayılan toz ve bu tozların yarattığı hava kirliliğine karşı uyarıyor: Astım, kuru öksürük, nefes darlığı erken dönemde fark…
Türkiye’deki 4 farklı ilde 10 tesis ve 10 bin dekarlık meyve bahçesiyle günlük 7 bin 200 ton meyve işleme kapasitesine sahip olan Göknur Gıda’nın küresel…