Our Next Breeding Season Just Got a Little More Interesting! | Farmer Tyler Ranch
Şu ayda yayınlananlar: Mart 2023
Frank and the SBM do some preventative maintenance on our S660 JD combine. @QuickDickMcDick ?Give him a like or a subscribe!
At Ewetopia Farms, we ask ourselves if winter will ever end as we deal with more winter snow and winds. We go through the feeding…
Spraying Invigor canola today, you won’t believe what I saw!
Farmers Weekly A mix of owned and hired kit operates across 1,620ha of arable ground for Hampshire farmer Giles Porter and his father, Antony. Andrew…
Farmers Weekly Young bulls in the Rawburn Aberdeen Angus herd require 0.2kg less feed on average to grow 1kg of liveweight in their first winter…
Farmers Weekly Earlier this year, after much clamour for more detail about the new post-Brexit policy for English farmers, Defra finally set out its plans…
Farmers Weekly A flexible approach by a landlord looking for one or more tenants for up to 25 years brings an interesting opportunity in a…
Farmers Weekly County Durham farm manager Philip Vickers is on a mission to implement what he hopes will be a sustainable farming system for generations…