Son dakika bilgisine göre; Zonguldak’ta 215 köy hayvanlarda görülen şap hastalığı nedeniyle karantina altına alındı. Peki ama şap hastalığı hangi illerde ve ilçelerde görüldü?
Şu ayda yayınlananlar: Mart 2023
Cumhurbaşkanlığı Sözcüsü Büyükelçi İbrahim Kalın, Vaşington ziyaretinin son gününde ABD Kongresi’nde senatörlerle temaslarda bulundu.
Rally participants on their way to the Capitol. Photo credit: Paul Morigi, Getty Images With the 2023 Farm Bill reauthorization underway, action is necessary to…
How Long does it take to Dump a Bulk Grain load? Watch and find out! | | Grow The Farm Up
Oh Ethan! He has been working hard managing resistant weeds but cannot keep them under control. Luckily, Dan Petker has a recipe: Balance herbicide modes…
Today at Ewetopia Farms, we have a lot of sheep that needed to adapt to change. Firstly, we had a first-time ewe, Cami, who had…
Sargent Family Dairy benefits from the Growing Your Farm Profits workshop | | OntarioSoilandCrop
Haulin that wheat!!!! | | Manitoba Grain Haul Super Trucker | | Manitoba dutch kid
Farmers Weekly An estimated 5-7% of users of Inatreq-containing fungicides experienced problems with sprayer component damage after applying them last year, putting products such as…
Farmers Weekly Feed intakes are up, fertility has improved and milk yield is on the rise after a successful first winter feeding maize at Purcell…