Meriem Aoun, OSU Extension wheat pathologist, says disease and virus pressure has been quiet so far this growing season, but things could change fast. Kris Giles, OSU entomology professor, explains why producers need to be on the lookout for brown wheat mites in their fields. Wes Lee, OSU Extension Mesonet agricultural coordinator, says much of Oklahoma’s “wheat belt” is struggling when it comes to soil moisture, but rain could be on the way. State climatologist Gary McManus updates the latest drought monitor. Derrell Peel, OSU Extension livestock marketing specialist, discusses the declining beef production situation, which is beginning to have an impact on wholesale prices. Kim Anderson, OSU Extension grain marketing specialist, breaks down the latest moves in the crop markets. Mark Johnson, OSU Extension beef cattle breeding specialist, discusses how producers can manage their pastures this spring amid the ongoing drought. Finally, we invite viewers to the upcoming Tipton and