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Release: Strengthening Local Meat Economies Act Promotes Fairness in Procurement


Contact: Laura Zaks

National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition


Tel. 347.563.6408

RELEASE: The Strengthening Local Meat Economies Act Addresses Competition in Procurement

National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) applauds the introduction of this comprehensive bill to support independent, small processing plants and the farmers they serve.

Washington, DC, September 15, 2023 – This Wednesday, Senator John Fetterman, (D-PA), introduced the Strengthening Local Meat Economies Act, S. 2972, (SLMEA). The Strengthening Local Meat Economies Act is a bill designed to support independent small and very small processors by promoting fairness in US Department of Agriculture (USDA) meat procurement  and reinvesting in local meat markets. 

This bill is more necessary than ever, as earlier this year reporting surfaced that the market share of JBS – USA ( a global food and meatpacking company) and other major packers has made it impossible for USDA to consider breaking ties with them. With JBS’ business ethics under question both at home in the US and abroad, taxpayer dollars should not be spent on contracts with such companies when there are more responsible alternatives available.  

“USDA has the opportunity to infuse rural meat economies with hundreds of millions of dollars in new demand that will support local meat processors and independent ranchers,” stated Aaron Johnson, Program Manager,  Challenging Corporate Power Program at Rural Advancement Foundation International, RAFI- USA.

SLMEA would give USDA the tools to reinvest in and strengthen local economies and expand USDA’s options beyond the largest corporate meatpackers as it procures poultry and meat products for a variety of food assistance programs. In so doing, SLMEA also creates opportunities for small and mid-scale, local farmers and ranchers who raise their animals in more sustainable ways by making it more possible for them to participate in federal procurement.

Taken together, Strengthening Local Meat Economies Act and Strengthening Local Processing Act – introduced earlier this year – provide Congress with the tools it needs to sustain and build on the Administration’s efforts to promote competition in agricultural markets,” said Connor Kippe, NSAC Policy Specialist.

The following organizations endorse the Strengthening Local Meat Economies Act: Rural Advancement Foundation International, National Family Farm Coalition, Campaign for Contract Agriculture Reform, The Center for Good Food Purchasing, the U.S. Cattlemen’s Association, and National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition. 


About the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC)

The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition is a grassroots alliance that advocates for federal policy reform supporting the long-term social, economic, and environmental sustainability of agriculture, natural resources, and rural communities. Learn more and get involved at: https://sustainableagriculture.net

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