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Şu ayda yayınlananlar: Eylül 2023

2023 Harvest in FULL swing in the PEAS!

Welcome to our farm! I’m the 3rd generation in our farm that started with my grandpa 70 years ago. A very productive day in our…

How Do You Wrap Er Up!?

making silage bales, cutting, baling, picking and wrapping!!

Direct drills revisited: Mzuri Pro-Til 3T out, Avatar in

Farmers Weekly The transition from multi-pass cultivations to a no-till system is all but complete at Gillshaw Farm, the final piece of the puzzle coming…

How changes to permitted development may benefit farmers

Farmers Weekly The government is exploring a raft of changes that planning experts say could be very positive for farmers and the wider rural economy.…

Polyhalite Fertilizers and their Role in Organic Farming

The 21st century has brought both new opportunities and challenges to the agricultural sector. One company, ICL Group, in particular, stands out for its innovative…

Antibiyotik Direnci Sepsisten Ölüm Nedeni

Antibiyotik direnci nedeniyle her 15 dakikada bir kişi sepsisten hayatını kaybediyor. Oysa erken tanı ile ölümlerin yüzde 80’i engellenebilir. Prof. Dr. Tuğhan Utku  Türk Yoğun…