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Şu ayda yayınlananlar: Ekim 2023

Şehit annesi, üniversitede ‘psikoloji’ bölümünü kazandı

Diyarbakır’ın Sur ilçesinde 2016 yılında şehit olan Mersinli Piyade Yüzbaşı Yiğitcan Çiğa’nın (33) annesi Ayla Çiğa (62), kazandığı Toros Üniversitesi psikoloji bölümüne kayıt yaptırdı.

AHDB seeks 20-33% rise in farmer levy contributions

Farmers Weekly Farmers and processors face paying an extra 20-33% in levies to fund the AHDB from next year, if the latest proposals from the…

Crop Watch: Focus on weed control for winter cereals

Farmers Weekly Attention is focused on pre-emergence herbicide programmes for winter cereal with plenty of grassweed to control this autumn. Allowing grassweed and volunteer cereals…

Lemken unveils 6m and 9m Thulit flexible tine weeders

Farmers Weekly A flexible tine weeding harrow has been developed for the Lemken CropCare range. Among its features are consistent tine pressure, on-the-move pressure adjustment…