In this video Big Tractor Power takes a look at corn harvesting and fall plowing with JOHN DEERE farm machines from the 1970’s. This video shares the popular methods of corn picking and combining corn 50 years ago as well as fall tillage practices with corn stalk mowing, disking and plowing. Watch for these JOHN DEERE farm machines: 110 hp JOHN DEERE 4240 tractor and 300 Corn Picker 120 hp 147 bu JOHN DEERE 6600 combine 150 hohpJOHN DEERE 4640 tractor and 220 flail shredder 140 hp JOHN DEERE 5020 and disk 110 hp JOHN DEERE 4240 NF and Allis-Chalmers plow 140 hp JOHN DEERE 4520 and JOHN DEERE plow