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Şu ayda yayınlananlar: Mart 2024

Emptying Grain Bins Process

In today’s episode, we begin emptying out the grain bins on the farm. With 5 small grain bins to be swept and scooped clean, you…

Grain Bin Construction Hits Rapid Pace!

Construction of our grain bins started just a few days ago, and the crew building the bins is moving fast! They are putting up the…

Grain Bin Project Complete!

Harvest is wrapped, and so is our grain bin project. We started this back in March by tearing down some old bins to make way…

5 years of Regeneration Canada

As 2022 comes to a close, the Regeneration Canada team has been reflecting fondly on the 5 years since the organization’s creation. We are proud…

İstanbul’da Veteriner Hekimlere Denetim Eğitimi

İstanbul İl Tarım ve Orman Müdürlüğü, veteriner hekim muayenehane, poliklinik hayvan hastaneleri, ecza depoları, veteriner tıbbi ürün temin izinli işletmeler ile ev hayvanları satış yerlerinin…