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Şu ayda yayınlananlar: Nisan 2024

“Süper Vali”nin oğlu başkan oldu

Efsane Bali Recep Yazıcıoğlu’nun oğlu Mehmet Kemal Yazıcıoğlu, Tokat Belediye Başkanlığını kazandı. Yeni başkanın yapacağı çalışmalar merak konusu. CNN TÜRK Muhabiri Hasret Kaya, Tokat’ın yeni…

Moving Some Stubborn Pigs

In this video, Some stubborn pigs need to be moved up at site 3 and more progress is made on the endwall project.

Breaking Down Stresses Related to Agriculture

From the heart of Jasper, Georgia comes a summit that’s tackling farm stress head-on! Watch as we uncover the power of conversation in breaking down…