Dairy farming is an agricultural process used for long-term milk production. It is a capital-intensive project that requires long-term investment and proper management. Choosing the best quality dairy machinery is essential for the growth of your business. Once the milk is collected, it needs further processing before the final sale. Let’s check out the equipment needed for dairy farming.

How to choose dairy farming equipment?
Equipment used in dairy farming reduces operational costs, labor and time should be considered. You need to make sure that the equipment has spare parts for easy replacement. Everything from pasteurization to storage needs to be done properly. The required machinery and equipment depend on the level of mechanization required and the scale of operation. However, some machinery and equipment are primarily required, such as a chaff cutter machine, milking pails, milk cans, and small tools.
On more than 20 milch animals, machine feeding may be more economical and easier than manual feeding. The installation of fans and mist cooling devices in animal sheds is also essential for protection from heat stress if one wants to keep a high-yielding cross-breed cow. Dairy farms with 50 or more milch animals require a milk cooler, power generator set, and a utility vehicle to purchase and market farm equipment, and a tractor is needed along with their harvesting and transportation.
Equipment needed for dairy farming: small dairy machinery details
Housing equipment for dairy animals
One of the most important things you need for your dairy cows is some kind of shelter, such as a cowshed. It is important not to underestimate the importance of a shelter that is comfortable and clean. First of all, a proper shelter will protect your dairy cows from the elements around your dairy farm. Your cows will never have to suffer in rain or cold winter temperatures. Plus, you’ll be getting rid of the scorching heat in the summer months.
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Even so, the inside of the cowshed itself is just as important as the structure itself. You need to keep it clean and dry inside. By doing this, you will keep your cows healthy and prevent any infection from spreading. When your dairy cows are comfortable and healthy, they will produce a lot of milk for you. In simple words, happy cows mean happy dairy farmers.
Mist cooling system
Another important part of the equipment is focused on the climate inside the cowshed. One of its basic features is a mist cooling system, as you can see in some public places during the summer.
Feeding equipment
With dairy cows is now comfortable indoors, you will also need equipment to help feed them. For dairy farmers who choose to use grain feed, a feed grinder is a necessity. A feed grinder is a mill that mixes and grinds cattle fodder for the benefit of dairy cows. This equipment is essential if you are planning to feed grains to cows. With a feed grinder, you will be able to determine the exact formula of the ingredients you want to supply to your dairy cows.
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It contains ingredients such as maize, corn, grass, grains, and more. Once processed through a feed grinder, the cow will have a much easier time eating and digesting the feed. Their bodies will be able to absorb all the nutrients more efficiently, keeping them healthy, happy, and producing maximum milk.
Green fodder cutters
Alternatively, you can invest in green fodder cutters. Green fodder is a type of feed for your dairy cows that includes green crops such as beans, cereals, grasses, and tree-based crops. If you want to use green fodder to feed your cows, you will need to use a mechanical device to cut them into small pieces. Once this is done, you can mix it with other ingredients and feed it to your dairy cows. The reason why green fodder cutters are so important is that they cut the feed into small pieces. These pieces are then more manageable for the cow to chew, swallow and digest without any problems.
Chaff cutter
A chaff cutter is a machine used for cutting fodder. The fodder is fed into the machine and then gripped between two-toothed rollers, which allow it to be transported to a share plate, where it is mounted on a heavy flywheel and the knives are rotated in short lengths. Chaff cutters can be categorized based on the source of power, these are manually operated, animal-powered, etc.
Fodder grinder
Farm products are usually reduced in size by cutting or crushing. Cutting is usually done with some blades. The crushing operation breaks the product into smaller sizes, which are suitable for use. The farmer can use this type of agricultural machine called a grinder to process the feed of cattle from grain. Grinding the ingredients generally improves the digestion and acceptability of the feed.
Milking and other essential equipment
Milking equipment is one of the main components of dairy farm equipment. There are four main types: general-purpose milking equipment, milk cooling, and storage equipment, equipment, equipment that improves cow comfort, and miscellaneous barn and transportation equipment, such as milk trucks and wash vats.
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Some of the most common milking devices used to enhance dairy farming efficiency include automatic milk separators and teat spray robots (TSRs). When it comes to cooling and storing milk, there are closed-loop water systems, mat vats, plate coolers, tanks, and silos.
Many dairy farmers will work with various tools for the welfare of their dairy herd with numerous pieces of equipment. Fans, activity systems, holding pen cooling equipment, misting equipment, sorting gates, and cow-activated brush systems, ensure that cows are captured, kept cool, and kept clean. Some basic milk processing equipment is pasteurizers, separators, homogenizers, and tanks. The main equipment is milking machines.
Pasteurization is often a major part of milk processing. Pasteurizers are machines that will make this step easier for you. A milk pasteurization unit will heat the milk and keep it at a certain temperature for a certain period, stirring it constantly and then cooling it so that it can be prepared for storage or further processing. Milk extracted from cattle contains bacteria or harmful agents. The process of heating milk is to neutralize the presence of bacteria.
This is used to separate cream and skimmed milk. Used to make milk products and all these components are made of plastic, aluminum, and stainless steel.
Homogenizers and tanks
The tanks are used to store products. Homogenizers are machinery that separates impermeable liquids into emulsions. Additional items include accommodation and refrigeration.
Milking machine
A milking machine is used to extract milk from dairy cattle. Milking is made with the help of a motor. The vacuum pump produces a suction that flows through a pipeline to the milking unit. A device called a Pulsator alternates between the space between the metal walls and the rubber lining, first with the environment and then with suction. When the space between the liner and the metal walls is attached to the environment, the liner collapses and extracts the milk.
Milk tanks
Pre-stack tanks, milk tanks, interim tanks, and mixing tanks are used to store liquid dairy products so that they can be kept fresh for as long as possible. Therefore, if you want to produce high-quality, fresh, and safe products, these are important pieces of equipment for milk processing.
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Automated milker
These are not ideal because they give more milk to the cows. It is important to monitor the cow during the milking process. This process is faster and faster than manual milking.
Milking pipeline
The milking pipeline uses a permanent return pipe, a vacuum pipe with instantaneous cell entry ports. The system could be above the cowshed or encircle the barn. The sucking force of the milker nipples attaches to the device and the milk is drawn into the pipes through the vacuum system. Milk enters the storage tank due to gravity and a vacuum breaker. This eliminates milking buckets, proper space management, herd management, and labor.
Farm equipment used regularly by dairy farmers
In addition, large operations will require cattle fodder trucks, tractor implements, fodder compacting presses. Additional machinery includes generators, electric fences, tanks, moveable fences, forage harvester.
When it comes to the equipment used by dairy farmers, it’s not just about milking. Dairy fodder harvesting, storage, and transportation, as well as dairy farming processes, require additional farm equipment to generate energy. Often, all dairy equipment and environmental controls require large generators to supply electricity, as well as;
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- Fodder trucks
- Fodder compacting presses
- Fodder block machines
- Fodder chaff cutters
- Tractors
- Tanks
- Harvesters
- Reapers
- Feed baskets
- Loader tractors
- Feed grinders
- Milk cans
- Motorized bore wells
Dairy farm equipment companies in India
- NK dairy equipment – Yamunanagar
- S.K Dairy Machinery Udyog – Amritsar
- TechMech Enterprise – Vadodara – India
- Hifi Solutions – Srinagar – India
- DeLaval Private Limited, Pune, Maharashtra – India
- Sumangalam Dairy Farm Solutions Private Limited – Ghaziabad – India
- Modern Dairy Machines – Coimbatore – India
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