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Yazıların kategorisi: “Dünya”

Category Added in a WPeMatico Campaign

Canola Council announces new team in Ottawa

The Canola Council of Canada (CCC) has named Chris Davison as vice president, stakeholder and industry relations, and Troy Sherman as director, government relations, both…

Sheep Farming: Fall Lambing Begins

Not quite fall, but our fall lambing groups have started to lamb.

Essex Region Conservation Water Quality Study

There are three swales on the field, each with a V-notch weir at the end to measure surface runoff (flow, sediment, nutrients) leaving the field…

NFU urges farmers to support Back British Farming Day

Farmers Weekly The NFU has called on farmers and growers to help support the annual Back British Farming Day on 15 September. Back British Farming…

Call for farm rents to be reduced as budgets squeezed

Farmers Weekly Agricultural landlords are being urged to reduce rents this autumn as farm budgets come under pressure from significant fuel, feed and fertiliser price…