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Yazıların kategorisi: “Dünya”

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Strong ewe lamb market presents big gamble

Farmers Weekly Consecutive hikes in breeding sheep trade since 2019 have sparked debate about the risk of buying running ewe lambs at what could be…

Sheep Farming in the UK, How to Start, and Facts

Introduction of how to start sheep farming in the UK, facts, profits and breeds: The sheep farming business is a major contributor to the UK…

Tomato Farming In Karnataka, Areas, Seasons, Yield

Introduction to tomato farming in Karnataka, cultivation practices: The tomato plant is an annual or short-lived perennial herb with greyish green curled uneven pinnate leaves.…

ALUS announces recipient of $10,000 Dave Reid award

The 2021 Dave Reid Award — formerly known as the Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS) Canada Producer Innovation Award — has been presented to Duane…