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Yazıların kategorisi: “Dünya”

Category Added in a WPeMatico Campaign

Sheep Farming: Feeding Hay At Night

Feeding was a little late tonight because of haying today. Luckily we have good lighting in the barns.

Day 3: Crop Tour in Thamesville, Ontario

It’s day 3 of the Great Lakes Grain annual crop assessment tour. Today we are in Thamesville, Ontario with Mark McKerrall, Crop Specialist with AGRIS…

PRIDE G-Series with Fred Sinclair

Fred Sinclair talks about the advantages of our G-Series hybrids in Woodstock, ON.

Harvest 2021: Unsettled weather hampers progress

Farmers Weekly With hopes of finishing harvest reliant on fine weather, many have had a week of unsettled conditions (week commencing 23 August), preventing combines…

Warning after spate of harvest GPS thefts in West Country

Farmers Weekly The Country Land and Business Association (CLA) has issued advice on protecting high-tech farm equipment after a spate of thefts in the West…

Prince’s Countryside Fund offers free workshops and advice

Farmers Weekly Farmers in England are being offered free business advice through local support groups, organised by the Prince’s Countryside Fund. Goup workshops and one-to-one…

How to cope with an increasing wild oat weed problem

Farmers Weekly Direct-drilling winter cereals and getting the resultant crops well established in the autumn are key to control the rising problem of wild oats…