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Yazıların kategorisi: “Dünya”

Category Added in a WPeMatico Campaign

Summer rearing calf prices 15-20% up on the year

Farmers Weekly Calf prices have risen to unprecedented levels this summer, seeing three-week-old continental-cross bull calves averaging £268 since May, up £35 a head on…

Pig B&B: Tips on nutrition and stockmanship

Farmers Weekly It is normal for most contract-finishing pig businesses to have dedicated fieldsmen assigned to specific farms to assist them with all aspects of…

Kiwifruit Gardening For Beginners – How to Start

Introduction to Kiwifruit Gardening for Beginners, Planting Questions and Answers (FAQs): Hello gardeners, we are here with one more interesting article today. Do you want…

Radish Gardening For Beginners – How To Start, FAQs

Introduction on How To Start Radish Gardening for Beginners: Hello gardeners, we are back with another topic today. Do you want to plant radish and…

Types of Millets In India, Cultivation FAQs

Introduction on Types of Millets in India, planting FAQs: Millets are widely cultivated around the world as cereal crops or grains for food and fodder.…