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Yazıların kategorisi: “Dünya”

Category Added in a WPeMatico Campaign

Is undersowing cereal crops with clover the next big thing?

Farmers Weekly Growing a permanent clover understory beneath cash crops known as a “living mulch” could provide an effective way to control weeds, fix nitrogen…

Pig Farming In Nepal – Breeds, How To Start, Plan

Introduction to Pig Farming in Nepal: The pig farming business is one of the important economic activities in Nepal. Some effective management system in pig…

CFO welcomes Hockaday as new CEO

The Chicken Farmers of Ontario (CFO) board of directors has hired a new chief executive officer (CEO). Denise Hockaday will be joining CFO on August…

ASF confirmed in the Dominican Republic

The deadly pig disease that has devastated China’s hog herd has been found in the Dominican Republic, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign…