Farmers Weekly James Fountain is happy with yields of his oilseed rape and winter barley, with the first just topping 4t/ha and the second a…
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Farmers Weekly The current oat milk versus real milk wrangle is faintly reminiscent of the margarine versus butter debate that was dividing arable and dairy…
Introduction to Crop Monitoring Technology: What is Crop Monitoring? Monitoring is the regular and careful inspection of crops throughout the growing season. When monitoring crops,…
Farmers Weekly Devon-based tub grinder specialist TGS has agreed an import deal for a Danish-made bale spike that can instantly record the moisture and temperature…
Farmers Weekly It has been relatively quiet on the farm during July, with staff taking well-earned leave before the onslaught of harvest and the autumn…
Farmers Weekly Whether you have a legal, tax, insurance, management or land issue, Farmers Weekly’s Business Clinic experts can help. Simon Tapp of Moore Scarrott…
Farmers Weekly Farm businesses in the sheep, pork and potato sectors in Northern Ireland will be eligible for additional funding worth £4.8m through its government’s…
Introduction to Agriculture in Africa: The agriculture sector is the biggest industry in Africa, and it employs 60% of the workforce in Africa. Agriculture is…
Welcome to this Friday edition of RealAg Radio. Just like that another month is over. On today’s issues panel, host Shaun Haney is joined by…