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Atilla Ayyıldız & Biz

Meteoroloji’den Sağanakların Ardından Uyarı Geldi

Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü tarafından yapılan son değerlendirmelere göre: Ülkemizin kuzey ve iç kesimlerinin parçalı, yer yer çok bulutlu, Marmara’nın doğusu, (Çorum, Gümüşhane ve Bayburt hariç)…

Long-term field research confirms Solvita Soil Test value

Long-term field research, conducted by the University of Guelph, has confirmed Solvita Soil Tests as valuable testing tools for evaluating soil health. Research results show…

‘Clarkson’s Farm’ returning for second season

Good news for everyone who’s been hooked on possibly the most popular modern mainstream TV show about farming and life as a farmer. “Clarkson’s Farm,”…

Barley benefits from rising grain market

Farmers Weekly A rising grain market saw new-crop barley values gain up to £13/t in the week to Wednesday 21 July, as harvest started and…

Is cryptosporidiosis affecting your lamb performance?

Farmers Weekly Cryptosporidiosis is a parasitic infection affecting sheep that can restrict growth and increase finishing times, despite typically only affecting lambs in their first…

What do farmers want to see in Clarkson’s Farm series 2?

Farmers Weekly A second series of the smash hit Clarkson’s Farm has been confirmed by Amazon Prime, sparking industry debate about what the presenter-turned-farmer should…