Çiğneme fonksiyonunu yerine getirilmesini sağlayan masseter kasının bazı kişilerde olduğundan daha fazla güçlü olduğunu ifade eden Diş ve Çene Cerrahisi Uzmanı Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Özge…
Atilla Ayyıldız & Biz
ALİ EKBER YILDIRIM | GIDA, TARIM VE HAYVANCILIK PLATFORMU Ülkenin bir yanı kuraklıkla kavrulurken diğer yanı sel felaketinde canlarını yitiriyor. Güneydoğu ve Doğu Anadolu, İç…
Drought is having a substantial effect on grain farming and ranching on the Prairies, and recently Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (SCIC) made changes to how…
Welcome to this Agronomic Monday edition of RealAg Radio. Today’s show features: Jeremy Boychyn, agronomy extension specialist for the Alberta Wheat and Barley Commissions; Albert…
Lisa Thompson, MPP representing the Ontario riding of Huron-Bruce, recently stepped up to lead the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. In Premier…
As drought ravages grassland, pasture, hay fields, and grain crops, ranchers are working hard to find immediate feed sources and source feed for the winter.…
It’s been a tough year for growers in the west — some crops are getting by rain to rain, and some are relying on soil…
Had to,go check the crops after our half inch of rain the other day, things are looking good so far. The Barley, Wheat, canola, oats…
Chopping Barley Silage / Day 1 | SaskDutch Kid
Vacuvating canola and vaccinating against Covid-19.