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Atilla Ayyıldız & Biz

Case IH launches enhancements to full Puma line up

Case IH is improving its Puma series tractor lineup it says to provide operators with greater efficiency, convenience, and operational flexibility. Some of the updates…

Dispute panel formed for U.S. dairy complaint

The dispute between Canada and the U.S. over the allocation of dairy tariff rate quotas under the new North American trade deal took a step…

Hearing Member Voices on Conservation Authorities

If you ask farmers about Conservation Authorities, you can get varied responses. Some tell you about the excellent experiences they have had participating in landowner…

Should this farmer attempt double-cropping soybeans?

AGRIS Co-op crop specialist , Kirsten Grant, is crop scouting a winter wheat field in Brigden, Ontario on June 10, 2021. Fungicide was applied May…