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Atilla Ayyıldız & Biz

The Sharp Edge: Electrifying weed control with Phil Oegema

Weed control in organic soybeans and edible beans can prove challenging for growers who only have inter-row cultivation and scuffling in their weed management toolbox.…

Canola School: Pay attention to pre-harvest intervals

As swath timing and harvest approach, it’s time to pay close attention to pre-harvest intervals. “PHI or pre-harvest interval is a really important concept to…

The best fit for autonomy in agriculture operations

Autonomy in an agricultural setting is an exciting space to be in. There are a lot of definitions of autonomy out there, and for farming,…

Sheep Farming: Our Typical Hay

A lot of people asking about our hay. This is typical of the hay we feed here. We do not feed TMR or silage.