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Atilla Ayyıldız & Biz

Singapore removes remaining BSE restrictions

As of August 20, 2021, Singapore has approved the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s (CFIA) certificate for the export of all beef, including beef offal, with…

A Saskatchewan Pea Harvest

A Saskatchewan pea harvest. Today we are combining yellow field peas (and rocks). The peas are yielding not too bad considering the lack of moisture.…

What are these black spots in my corn?

Day 2 of the annual Great Lakes Grain Crop Tour filmed August 24, 2021. Don Kabbes and Dale Cowan find black spots in a Chatham,…

Northern Alberta wheat harvest 2021

Wheat is running good considering the year +/- 45 bushels per acre. How to test the moisture of the wheat, how to check bushel weight…

Review insurance cover in light of high stock values

Farmers Weekly The increase in livestock values over the past year means many farm businesses run the risk of being underinsured if they suffer theft…