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Atilla Ayyıldız & Biz

Prof. Dr. İlber Ortaylı’dan aşılanma çağrısı

Sağlık Bakanlığınca, Kovid-19’la mücadelede yürütülen aşılama kampanyası kapsamında tarihçi ve yazar Prof. Dr. İlber Ortaylı’nın yer aldığı kamu spotu hazırlandı.

Canadian Ag Hall of Fame announces five inductees for 2021

The Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame has announced its slate of inductees for 2021. The prestigious list features Gordon Bacon, Dr. Don Buckingham, Stan Eby,…

GeoPard and MyJohnDeere collaborate on data upload and analysis

Germany-based GeoPard is announcing their integration with the MyJohnDeere operations centre. MyJohnDeere customers can now upload their data into the GeoPard system, where they can…

 Feed labelling to help farmers gauge carbon footprint

Farmers Weekly Dairy compounds and blends supplied by Mole Valley Farmers (MVF) are to include labelling on their environmental credentials as pressure grows on farmers…

Grants available to help plan peatland restoration projects

Farmers Weekly Natural England has launched the first round of a grant scheme providing funds for organisations, landowners and land managers to scope out innovative…