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Atilla Ayyıldız & Biz

Wheat School: Getting the better of bluegrass

Grain growers are reporting that bluegrass is becoming a growing weedy issue in many Ontario field crops. There are three types of weedy bluegrass species…

Frost damage to corn in the middle of June?

Great Lakes Grain’s early Crop Assessment Tour with Nathan Saarloos, crop specialist for FS PARTNERS in the Aylmer area. Nathan explains what went on in…

Ontario Grain Farming 101: Farm Business Structure

Dwight Foster, a farmer from North Gower, Ontario talks about how his grain farm operates, some of his many responsibilities and shares how his employees…

Capturing Carbon in Soil

The benefits of healthy soils impact all of us – not just the food and agriculture industry. One benefit is that soils can be used…

What is Sclerotinia in Oilseed Rape?

Sclerotinia is a disease that can greatly impact oilseed rape crops and yields. Learn more about this disease and how it develops. If you want…

Manufacturers Panel: Seedmaster

Canada’s Farm Show – Manufacturers Panel: Seedmaster